I guess, I fell for ya.

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Cattleya's pov (Your name is so cute!)

I was walking to the great hall. The stairs changed I was thrown from one stair case to the next Hermione was luckily on the last set of steps I fell on to. She yelled down the hall for Harry and Ron to come help me. I was giggling like crazy.

Someone picked me up and carried me bridal style, I toss my head back and let my arms fling behind me .

"You're strong." I laugh poking the guys biceps.

"Thanks." said Harry's voice. Before I was set down. I fall backwards almost falling off the bed.

"OH dear!" said madam pomfrey.

And that's all I remember.

I woke up a week or so later to see get well cards and candy's of all sorts at the foot of my bed. But to my right a very handsome Harry potter sat sleeping in a chair. I look to hear quick foot steps.

"Oh your up good hear drink this. Mending broken bones in a heart beat but growing them back you should be lucky you only fell down three flights of stairs one man fell back in the day he's a ghost around here ya know?" she sighs and pours me my glass and looks at harry shaking her head. I gulp down the nasty drink as she begins to speak. 

"That Poor boy has been worried sick ever since he dropped you off here." She pulled up a chair and folded her hands in her lap.

"He'd be here early as can be leave for the classes and he's return during lunch and come to see you with arm fulls of cards and candy. He stopped bringing the cards about three days ago. He read to you ya know? " I look over at her then back to harry.

"I've probably said enough you should get some rest therapy will be a pain in the bum" I then feel uncomfortable on my back and try to flip to my side. I squeal instead waking up harry in  a heart beat.

"Your up!" he smiled jumping up. I nod and tears form as my whole body hurts neck down. I slowly move back to sit in the propped up way she had me.

"Yeah I'm up." I sigh and rest my head to look at the ceiling.

"I was starting to worry " he smiled, I move my arm to push my hair our of my face but harry beats me to it. I smile and look at him as he leaned over me.

"You don't look that comfortable." he sighs, I close my eyes.

"I'm not everything hurts." He pouts and sits on the side of my bed.

"I might have an Idea only if you trust me." I gulp down my spit.

"Will it hurt?" I ask with big eyes.

"Only for a second I promise." with that he lifted me up bridal style excruciating pain flew up my body and I squealed loudly into his ear but I didn't care it wasn't until he laid me on my side practically on him.

"Better?" I smile and sniff my nose.

"A lot better."

"Cattleya, can I ask you something?" I smile wishing I could just nod.

"Yes?" I whisper feeling warm and safe.

"I love you." I smile and nuzzle into his chest.

"That's nice." I then fall asleep.

Harry's pov

and like that she just fell asleep I confessed my love and she's taking a nap, that makes me love her even more.

I look down at her as she began to softly snore and I took in her beautiful features. I hope she remembers when she wakes up because the stronger she gets I'll always be right here.

Third person.

In fact she forgot she was even hurt and woke up with amnesia surprisingly because the day before she knew who she was. But using it to his advantage Harry told her that they were dating so gaining her memories and getting her back to health took over two months. Just in time to go home for Christmas but not before taking harry with her.


Harry and Cattleya were wound up by the fire at her folks house when she finally exhaled she said.

"Hey Harry? "

"Yes my queen?"

"YOU know you could say I fell for ya." With a bellowing laugh harry shakes his head and kisses her forehead.

"I guess you did."

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