Matilda's hero

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Hi I'm Matilda I'm second year also Hufflepuff

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Hi I'm Matilda I'm second year also Hufflepuff. I'm a Half Blood Father is a wizard mum's muggle. Anyway I was walking along the corridors with my dirty blonde hair in my face as I walk with my head down due to being punched in the face by a Slytherin girl that morning it was bruising quite nicely. I was normally really friendly and loudly sarcastic but Pansy waited outside Hufflepuff dormitory to punch me so today I was just harsh and sarcastic. Today no one tried to talked to me not even my friend Cedric today was off to a bad start. Walking into study hall where Lockhart was gloating I slid in and he noticed my presence.

"Ah Matilda wonderful of you to join us ! " I look up slightly there in front of me were a few of Malfoy and his friends.

"She's got a black eye " laughed one the other laughed along

"Now now listen to me I mean look at me." Lockhart charmed

The Slytherin's turned around and Malfoy started to whisper to his friends loudly " Heard her Father was an auror turned to the dark side and he killed his wife with the cruciatus curse and Matilda watched and she'll turn out like him too cause she's a Half blooded traitor. " I stand up flipping over the desk hitting malfoy.

"She she killed me she tried to kill me" he wailed

I huff " if you weren't such a Half ass git and didn't listen to your damn father maybe you'd learn a little in life you foul under minded ferret " I walk out the the class room feet following I get to the black lake with out any teachers to bother me. I get out and talk off my shoes instantly putting them in the water I heard snoopy hoot from the skies he was holding another package from my grandmother. I didn't call to him for I would get it later. I keep my head to the skies until I hear a twig snap.

I pull out my wand " Malfoy any closer and I'll explode you into bits." Having enough willing to explode a young boy into piece father would be so proud. No more movement was heard but i did hear a voice sooth my pain.

" it's Ron, Matilda .." I put my wand away and turn to face him.


He nods walking towers me "isn't it cold?" I shake my head " will you come talk with me? " I shrug and step out of the water and walk with Ron towards a tree. I sit next to him and he hands me socks. I take them and put them on even though they were soaked.

"Matilda are you alright?" Ron asked I glare at him

" no Ron I'm perfectly okay I just felt like hitting Malfoy and his friends with a table today so his dad can use me for all my money if that is alright then yes Ron I'm just bloody perfect! "

He held his hands up "sorry but just to let you know I understand dad talks about stuff like that. And I'm sorry " I look at him and hug him i felt safe. " Matilda will you be my girlfriend? " I was speechless he started to become frantic " or you don't have too I asked at a bad time I'm stupid I'm sorry - yes Ron I will"

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