100th Imagine

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Welcome my readers to my hunderth imagine ! For my hundereth imagine I'm introducing a new character to my roster ! Witches and Wizards I introduce you to Newt Scamander! Yes I am adding Newt to the roster per request you can also get Queenie, Tina and Jacob. Fantastic beasts and where to find them charaters are now avabliable for request and because of my loving fans who read all of the imagines yours or not I will be adding Newt imagines.

I want everyone to know I will start adding GIF's to each imagine and I will start stating whom they are for. Due to all the requests I will be adding more and more but I just found out I have exams in three weeks for all of my classes so with that said I'm hoping to get imagines out quickly before I take the exams!

Readers if we can get this to over twenty votes and ten comments I'll start posting more imagines before or after the Holidays I'm getting pretty booked from commented requests to messages. I thank you all for your patients for all my time off and putting up with not having your imagines out ! You guys are literally the best readers if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made it to 100 imagines.

Now for the very first time every in this book. A Newt Scamander imagine. I hope you all enjoy.

Happy Holiday's from me to you!

Newt Scamander pov.

I made it to New York finally, that voyage was long. Hopefully this trip doesn't take that long.  I'm releasing Frank In Arizona, the trailing won't take long as long as I can get in and out of towns.

Walking the streets of New York a pass muggles upon muggles if there was any wizards I wouldn't be able to tell my suit case shook and unlatched. I make an effort to closet, until I was drawn to a  miniature crowd of people forming around a woman who was shouting about us Wizarding folk. I inched forward until she called me out about the whole wizarding thing. odd really I didn't say much but I dashed into ... a bank my luck my Niffler is set lose in a bank .

in less the two minutes I am escorted to the MACSA. Could you believe it ! I have wizarding rights people! Thankfully a (Hair color) haired woman said that she was to meet me at the docks and got lost.

She allowed me to stay at her apartment along with her younger sibling.

(Boy or girl I'm just going to have Y/S/N)

"Y/S/N, one of my friends came from London come meet him." The child didn't come to greet me which I was fine with. "Must still be in school come i'll help you set up a place to sleep. " smiling she conjured up a twin size bed she gave a small giggle which was adorable.

"T-thank you" I spit out. Pickett mocking me in my chest pocket, She gasped picketed quickly covered his eyes and ducked into the pocket.

"Was that a-a Bowtruckle?" she stuttered, I nervously nod.

"His name is pickett.." I whisper, she leans on the bed frame.

"That's brilliant, truly he's amazing! I've never seen one up close before! My uncle drew a few back in the day over in a forest off of the grimmauld place." She gaped she truly seemed fascinated.

"Would, you like to see him?" I whisper looking up from m shoes.

"Would I ever ! she giggled" (Imagine your so happy that you could almost cry!)

Shocked I set down my case at my feet and tap my pocket, "Come out Pickett it's alright." I whisper to him. Reluctantly he crawls out and sticks his tongue out at Y/n.

Y/n Pov

Once Pickett crawled out of the pocket of the traveler. I knew instantly I could trust the tall man standing in the living room. Pickett stuck out his tongue saying he doesn't like me. It's alright they are to be aggressive.

"What do Bowtruckles do besides guard the trees they live in?" I ask in awe as he moved around in Newt's hands. He looked a little shocked about me wanting to know.

"Well you see they are - Y/ n I'm home did it come did it come?" Y/s/n interrupted, I give a apologetic smile to newt and meet Y/s/n at the door.

"Y/n, did my ilvermorny letter come in the mail?" I shook my head, Y/s/n was so excited for (His/her ) birthday coming up within the next few weeks. Y/s/n dropped (his / her) head and dragged the pile of books behind as y/s/n made it up to the loft.

"ilvermorny? " Newt asked in the door way of the kitchen. I nod, rocking on my heels.

"It's a wizarding school here in America. I've been trying to save up so we could move back to London, but with fairs being pack or too expensive he'll have to go to Ilvermorny. " I walk passed him in the door way and begin supper.

"Well even if you got over to London where would you go?" Newt asked worriedly, I sigh setting down my wand on the counter.

"That's the thing we'd spend all of our money on the ride, we'd have no place to go. "

Dropping the subject we all eat dinner.

Two day's later. (Brought to you by Magical Me )

I sat on the chair in the dinning room as Y/s/n opened the mail. Still no letter. A knock at the door brought me out of my trance. I got up and saw newt with his suit case at his side and a white envelope in his hands.

"Hi, newt  I had thought you left for London after all of that madness?" He smiled and looked away from me.

"I had thought so too but I had found this." He then held up a letter from Hogwarts. y/s/n gasped.

"is that for me?" Newt nodded and handed it to him, excited he peeled off the seal and read everything over and over. I picked up the envelope and saw the address.

"Newt, why does it say he lives in your suit case?" Newt blushed brightening his freckles.

"I'd was going to ask you after supper, but.. Would you like to come live with me in London?" I blushed and y/s/n laughed at us.

"will you say yes already I have a whole world to explore!" I giggled and hugged newt crying. After our parents were killed here in America I never thought we'd ever return to the U.K. But ever since I met Scamander my life has been flipped around.

That next morning we were all packed and ready to go, Y/s/n had the idea of us camping out in newts suit case that way we only had to pay for newt. Newt thought it wasn't the best idea but he went along with it and before we knew it we were in London.

Y/s/n went to school during the year and newt and I started taking care of his creatures. I even applied to be a caretaker at Hogwarts, and Newt finished his textbook.

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