The First Weasley in...

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 My name is Leah and yes I am a Weasley, yes I am in slytherin, yes I get along with my brothers and younger sister and just because I am in slytherin. No I don't think that Gryffindor's are horrid and yes I do hang out with draco Malfoy just to clarify.

Sorry I was snappy I've been so stressed with the exams coming up and D.A the only slytherin might I add. I was going to D.A when my long time friend Draco Malfoy caught up to me.

"Leah, where do you think your going? It's almost curfew and as headboy I think it would be dishonorable to take away points from my own house." He smirked making me stop and smirk.

"Draco, you know I could care less on the topic of houses as Umbridge is in charge did you know that she banned my brothers from qudditch?"  He huffed, I lift my books and stare at draco.

"obviously knew that they started a fight with me, you came to my hospital wing!" I roll my eyes

"Draco it's not your wing and no you picked the fight, you know how many times I had to give up my weasley habits just so you wouldn't tell your father and have me expelled for god knows what?" I huff

"Go on then protect your precious family don't even care about me! Stupid weasley!" I fight back tears and fight my comebacks. I push on knowing he's following me I go into the library.

"What would you do without me?" he boasted as we walked into the library.

" be fine." was all I said.

"Come on Weasley. "

*Flashes of light dash a crossed the D.A room*

no one makes a sound


We were fighting for our lives at the ground of Hogwarts and Voldemort has given us one hour to collect our dead then return to the courtyard. It was horrible I saw friends, tonks and lupin side by side... then I saw him my own flesh and blood. Flashbacks of when I stood up for him and when I just plainly fed them to the dogs ignoring my own mothers pleads and going to the malfoy's manor ignoring my father hearing Voldemort's voice with my own hears one summer.  There laid one of my brothers, Fred. I looked around and for a moment I thought I could just run up and hug that dumb blonde for comfort.

I didn't see him.

He's dead too.

My brother.


All dead.

I collapsed Ron and Ginny came to my side. we sit and watch as they bring in more dead thankfully my family only lost one.  But one was just enough to set me off. Voldemort had taken too much from me I am about to take everything from him. If harry's dead then hell he will be too.


"For the last time, Leah you will be fine! Your a Gryffindor no matter what happens." Fred side hugged me after we got off the train. I went with the frist years and sat in a boat with random kids, Ron was off and I couldn't find percy. I get in the hall just in front of a large door Ron is talking with Draco Malfoy, the boy next to him didn't say much.

"Some wizarding families are better than others." I was livid I pushed through the crowd ready to attack living with so many brothers you can hold your own but him, he was my size even smaller I can take him. I get all the way to the front and the woman comes back and brings us into the great hall it was beautiful.

She started calling names and I was finally called I look over at the Gryffindor table who was all getting ready to stand up Fred and George giving me thumbs up. I smile back ready to be with my family. Even if none of them really understand me they always make me feel better.

I thought about it for awhile was I really a weasley. The hat on my head took a long time and moved about.

"BA! A Weasley, yes, yes but you are nothing like the others, goodness no you have more of a fire a willingness to kill ah yes no Gryffindor will no for sure I note. You are a SLYTHERIN." the hat called out I was shocked he went into my mind and the slytherin table bursts with claps mixed with utter laughter.

I cried all dinner by myself  in the back of the table all alone. Once into the common room I wrote to mum and the burned the letter. The hat was right why would they care I am different. I cried to myself the rest of the night I loved my family spite we were different.

The same night Draco Malfoy the boy I was trying to kill just hours before showed me he had a heart. he hugged me and told me we could be friends. I felt safe.


I gulp back my tears he was the guy who made me feel safe when my family couldn't that dumb old hat was right I'm not like my family. I'm a killer.

 I marched right out to the courtyard tears still falling off my face.

"Dear, you don't have to be brave for this." Luna whispered to me and held my hand. I sob into her shoulder and realize I don't see draco out here either. He's gone.

but it is just that I have had a hell of a year. Here at Hogwarts Ginny has been scared shitless Ron is missing along with harry and Hermione and snape is headmaster. I'm not thrilled even if he was head of slytherin the guy is scary.  That's when I perk up and stop crying , I hear a hoarse voice, he speaks almost as a lizard. I watch as he opens his arms and I see a rather dead looking Mr. Malfoy the man I once looked up to now purple at the eyes, hair thinning and falling out, limping holding on to his wife.


"Are you sure you can't stay longer dear? " Mrs. Malfoy asked, sadly I nodded and looked at the flew powder.

"Wait a minute, your shoes untied wouldn't want that." Mr. Malfoy laughed half heartedly

I stop to tie my shoe and draco comes barreling down the winding stair case. He's holding a box that is a bright sliver. I turn to wave at him and he runs to me with the box.

"Happy birthday, Leah. " I smile and go to open it, he stops me. "Wait till you get home." with his smirk, I laugh and wave to them it felt as if I was leaving my family to go to one where I did not belong.


The days grew shorter and the letter's from the Malfoys' piled on the slytherin table. I had no Idea what they were about Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, Aunty Bellatrix, everyone I basically knew.


I stop my staring at the ground and realize I'm on the wrong side here. I look up to Mr. Malfoy again and he whisper yells draco's name I forget everything else and look for the blonde..

That's when I saw him just passing students I take off running, pushing down anyone in the way. I ignore my father's protests and attempts to hold me back from running. All I did was run, I ran to him. Voldemort said they could use my speed, frightened I just run passed him to Draco and grab his face smashing his lips to mine.

We stayed like this only a moment before he pulled away. He looked in to my eyes as in pleading with me to turn back. I just kissed him again.

"Leah, what the hell are you doing." He exhaled, I smiled.

"Whatever side your on, I'm on." I murmur, as we stay close. (SASSY VOLDEY ALERT, FROM THE MUSICAL)

"Ugh, you all are so mushy ! Your in the way!" I gulp and draco drags me behind him and behind his parents in the death eater crowd.

"Anyone else? That'd be nice, I wouldn't have to kill ALL of you."


Next thing I know I'm curled up next to draco. He was looking down at me. "You were having that dream again darling." I blush

"It's my favorite dream." I whisper, smiling up at him.

"Why is that?" he questioned, I giggle.

"It's my favorite because, it was real. So real in fact I'm the first to have It." Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Darling, you understand it's only been two days right?" I sigh in his embrace.

"Just kiss me."

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