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Destiny Black is my name don't wear it out ! Oh my merlin I'm so punny I guess you could say I'm a Blaise-ing hit. Haha, I swear I make jokes like that on my date surely I'll be a roaring hit. No honestly Blaise will probably get weirded out and leave I mean honestly who wants to hang out with me and My punniness, Obviously Blaise cause he asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him.

Anyway I'm currently in the Slytherin common room playing with my cat he/ she is very feisty this morning. So I leave her in the common room to change in to normal clothes for a weekend that is. rejoining my loving cat in the common room only to see he/she snuggling up with Blaise who was scratching his/her head. It was cute.

he looked up with his big eyes and smiled. "Ready?" he asked I smiled back and pushed some hair behind my ear.

"Definitely" With that we sent off to hogsmeade. ME acting like a complete and udder idiot the whole way making jokes about anything I say funny. I was smiling the whole way I almost couldn't tell if Blaise was crying or laughing at my idiocy. We finally get to Hogsmeade and I follow Blaise into the closest store to warm up do to it being almost freezing outside.

"Finally my buns can be nice and toasty." I joke as we walk around the store.

"If you said something I would have helped them buns." Blaise joked under his breath, I pretend to not hear it and wander the store a little more.

"Hey do you want some Butterbeer I could you a glass." I smile pushing back my light brown locks of madness I should have enchanted the damn things.

"I'd love to." He takes my hand and we run back into the cold across the small village to the Three Broomsticks. Blaise ordered quickly and we sat in the window. The butterbeer was warm going in my hands or it was the glass which ever it was warm.

"So how's your butterbeer?" Blaise asked taking a swip of his leaving on a Butterbeer mustache. I giggle and look out the window.

"It's perfect Mr. Stache. " I giggle some more until I realize it's snowing.

"NO way Blaise it's snowing! Snow come on less go play!" I shout probably giving half of the bar heart attacks. I rush outside Blaise on my heels.

"Destiny there isn't enough snow." I just giggle because his mustache was still there.

"You're not looking hard enough." I begin to dance to my own music Blaise just laughing at me.

"Come on dance with me!" I giggle spinning really fast falling into his arms.

"Not like that I'm not dancing." He smiled and took my waist and began to waltz with me in the middle of the street.

After a good minute or so he dips me and lifts me back up. Leaning into a kiss I smile big and whisper.

"Would this be a bad time to tell you, that you have a Butterbeer-stache?" He gives me a hard 'You're serious right now' Look I laugh and grab his face pulling him in to kiss me.

Sorry this took so long ! I have been so caught up in school work and extra work that I completely lost trace of my book. ON top of that the past week my wattpad wasn't letting me publish any more chapters and just deleting them so if you sent on in it's on paper just will be another day or so until I am able to upload any more. And to those who celebrate Halloween happy Halloween and be safe tomorrow ! So keep you notifications on I'm back!

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