Fred Imagine

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"come on you old goner!" Hermione yelled at me as I ran late because of my lovely best friend who forgot to wake me up this morning as I missed breakfast. I rub my head as she just woke me no later than two minutes ago. With no way of even thinking about looking nice today we slide into potions. Where I join  my partner.


"Good morning beautiful." Fred greeted me I smile "Morning Freddie." I groan to myself, He laughed deeply "Rough night?" he asked I shrug "Mione forgot to wake me up." he shook his head "well then wake up on your own." I laugh lightly "Can't super heavy sleeper!" (HEY sorry if your not a heavy sleeper you are now.) he was just about to say something when snape burst in. "No foolish wand waving in class Mr. Longbottom!" kids laughed as I turn around giving him a smile.

During potions I hit my head on something.. waking up on the floor I see snape in front of me "Ahh!!" I shout backing away hitting my head hard again. I heard a few slytherin chuckle at me as Fred or George picked me up and I drifted in and out.

~ Three weeks later~

I wake up to a blinding little light in my eyes and sweaty palm. I blink my eyes open as my eyes felt crusty "Mr. Weasley, Professor McGonagall informed me that you are on the quiddich team team no?" asked ma'am pomrey from the corner pouring fred some pumpkin juice. "I am." he finally said smiling she walked to me  she felt my head  I hold in my groans listening to them. "You so do like ms. Y/L/N for staying in here for three weeks. " I frown three weeks?

"Well yeah, She's my everything." he whispered pulling my hand to his lips "Now that's romantic." I heard Ma'am pomfrey "She doesn't know it but I'm just glad she's with me here." There was a silent then I hear an ow! from fred "Well ask her to the yule ball !" I heard fred sigh "She's just my potions partner." I turn my head slowly to prevent blacking out He removed his hand leaving me cold and damp.

"Fred?" I groan I see fred scurry back to my side "Y/N!" he screamed I smile lightly "Hi" his blush was as red as his hair. "Did you um here any of that?" I just giggle and watch ma'am pomfrey to my left "You are a lair !" I bit my lip " I am." "Would you go to the ball with me ?" I giggle "Yes Freddie I would love to." smiling he hugs me gently and kisses my cheek.  

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