Family Trader

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y"Gryffindor!" shouted the hat as I am placed into Gryffindor as I was suppose to be in Slytherin with my cousin Draco he stands up from the Slytherin table shouting that the hat has made a mistake and that his father will hear about this. I but my head down and let my curly black hair fall into my face as I make my way to the Gryffindor table I but my head down everyone scooted away from me and whispered it made me uncomfortable I didn't eat I am a trader my mother with be furious so will uncle. It is Draco's second year so we don't even have that many classes together aside from potions and Defense against the dark arts.

My first time into the Common room was so unreal I now feared Draco was use me to get in. So I just swallowed my thoughts the girls were scared of me, my mother would be proud but I'm not I have no friends I went all year being the outcast. Then I over heard Neville longbottom my mother almost killed his parents and  to know that they are in a mental house it killed me. He was scared of me I didn't blame him I would be scared of me too.


It wasn't until my fourth year that the Gryffindor's excepted me and I made two friends Neville and Luna. This is the year all hell broke loose and my mother turned even more crazy my aunt helped me cope with all my mothers harsh words. And This is the year I started dating Neville, I was truly surprised when he asked me in herbology. Luna was in on it she told me he had this whole big thing planned out but then he blew it and then Christmas came around I new I wasn't wanted at home, So Neville sent an owl to his Grandmother who said I was allowed over, he may have forgot to mention my mother is a murderer and almost killed his parents.

"Your, your just different Thea." he smiled

It took awhile until His grandmother took me in slept outside the first night. Until she understood why I was there. I then started going to Neville's all the time.


Death eaters are crawling everywhere and I have no say, my mother has officially disowned me snape still treats me as so I am a trader so does Draco.

Scared I never leave Neville's side I am glued to his hip. It's begun harry has returned and we are all waiting scared I hide with the rest of them Neville ran to protect the bridge I stay in the great hall attention to the wounded. My mother and her laugh can be heard threw out. I flinch and help a student up and passing them to another student . No one is safe, Ginny is grabbing wands from the fallen and handing them to those without I feel I must help more so I grab on to a broom and ride following the res of the quidditch teams who in which were carrying weasley bombs.

"THAT A BOY!" Shouted reamus after watching Ron

I nervous search the battle field for Neville . I see him running from snatchers go I set fire to the ground in front of them and drove shooting different spells at giants and It barely hurt them as we continue to fly threw the air we lose a third of the fleet and I look we are being over powered, tears threaten to pour from my eyes as the smoke is almost unbearable.


I instantly go to the great hall and walk along the lines of dead body's and there stood George sobbing with the rest of he weasley's I put my head down and kept walking I could have saved him he was right there I should have never flew pasted him. It's all my fault.

I look and there also laid Professor Lupin and Tonks there hands almost touching in the dead state, I push on looking at everyone there is the girl in ravenclaw and the boy from hufflepuff who liked the girl from ravenclaw..

I don't even see Neville is that good is he even okay where is luna I didn't see her in any of the rows.  I turn around and the hour was almost then I saw him "NEVILLE!" I shout and made a run to him after everything I can't loose him.

"You had me worried sick Thea! damn it !" he sighed hugging me tight I had never heard him speak like this I didn't mind I hugged tighter.

We later let go and everything happens so quickly and it starts to spins my vison is blurry and it's all over. You always hear how old people remember back in the war but I blanked all I saw was Neville and how brave he looked. The next day we were all sent home and my family being in jail I left with Neville. Getting off the platform Neville stopped and got down on his knee the whole train was in a uproar hooting and hollering. Caught in the moment I lost my words so I nodded and cried as he laughed "I haven't even got the ring." his thick accent was the decider I just hugged him and I could imagine Fred and George picking on him for it but there would be no thing.


(Two years later)

Our wedding was just this fall.  Draco attended Neville's crazy idea that we should try to trust one another again. It semi worked he stayed and even gave a toast that If Neville breaks his vow he has no trouble going to azkban. We cut that short and The wedding party went on for a day or so it was until Ron passed out on the dance floor that we decided it was best we stopped the party and headed to bed, Course Mrs. weasley insisted she stayed and cleaned up. We shooed her away to leave with Ginny and the rest of the weasley's.

Neville was really tried he was rambling about the yule ball when he and I danced after ginny needed to use the restroom she then said she was heading up then I was asked to dance being the last ones there. He twirled me around and he told me that he was so happy after our dance that he told harry that he had just got in him ! of all people. I giggled he just really sleepy by now.

The next morning I woke early to Bill and Charlie running around down stairs as we crashed at the wealsey's seemingly that Neville's grandmother's house was to small for a big wedding. Running around cleaning the two day party mess There harry stood next to Ron sipping some tea as Neville followed down the steps he wrapped his arms around arm last night my head is pounding. He kissed my cheek. "Good morning Mrs. Longbottom" he smirked and walked into the kitchen alone side Ron and Harry just sipping there tea at the same time unknowingly I just giggle and pick up a few cups.

"We're burning all the rubbish our side !" George yelled

Taking the trash outside we all watch as it Is now dark and the house is all clean, "Will you do the honours Bill?" Laughed Neville handing him the match.  There the biggest bonfire was born... not really the house burning down was a big one up we are far enough from the house.

One year later from the wedding.

"Neville! i'm hungry" I whine

"Thea you just ate." I roll my eyes

"So? " He laughed and looked at his watch.

"I have to be to the paper for Luna to interview me for the quibbler could it wait dear?" I pout and look at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine i'll just starve!" I shout crying 

"Thea, Come on let's go you have a doctor's appointment too."  I groan


"Mrs. Longbottom, Your pregnant ." I cover my mouth and look at Neville who was also in shock I jump up and hug him.

"Baby Longbottom." I giggle "Wait till your Godfather sees you."

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