Getting there

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So sorry everyone that your imagines aren't getting uploaded a lot has been going on Schools starting and I just started my first harry potter fanfic based on a main character! Now that I have Hours till school starts I have a bit of the first day jitters besides that I have so many imagines I couldn't ask for more than imagines from the best Fam ever This is chapter 85 and I have imagines lined up but for my 100th Imagines I think were going to have a celebration !

So I have roughly ten trying to be written right now I have then all planned no one worry but it may be a slight delay in the uploading meaning that it's back to school and all Speaking of which not really, but happy labor day everyone. Okay so meaning in which I am sure everyone is killing to read their imagines I'm getting there please forgive me fam for I have not forgotten!

On a happier note (Than school) What do you think I should do for my 100th imagine leave your ideas/ thoughts down in the comments below and  I will see you all when I upload my next imagine.

Harry Potter imagines/ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now