Damn it Draco! (Woods Imagine)

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Hey, I'm Samantha right now I'm in the middle of a quidditch match against Slytherin I was going for the hoop and bam ! smashed into another player who pushed me into the hoop. Game is instantly on hold and I am removed from the Slytherin hoop all I remember from there is Draco Malfoy smirking at me, that ferret oh how I hate him. I then fell asleep, later being woken up by someone whispering my name.

"Sam, Sam wake up."Desperation in the voice I open my eyes "Hey there's those bright blue eyes." Smiled Oliver woods he's always acted overly protective of me. He brushed my brownish colored hair away from my eyes and he smiled.

"Did i get it in? " I groan trying to sit up farther, He chuckled shaking his head.

"Super close though, Dumbledore had to replay it threw McGonagall's ominoculars. "

I give a small smile an see my cat Mishka , I pat my thigh and she comes up and lays on my thighs. I look up at Oliver who was already looking at me. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"So how long was I out?"  he shrugged

"A few hours or so " I bite my lip and close my eyes.

I stay like that a few more seconds then i hear the door fly open and the laughter of the ferret. "Did you see her face!" he laughed aloud and so did his friends. "Oh sorry Sam, i didn't realize that muggleborns could get hurt or be in love with wizards." I glare at him and realized her called me sam i had being called that.

(Sorry if your cool with it)

"Oh Piss of Malfoy." hissed Ronald weasley next to Harry potter in the next little screen over. Laughing Malfoy smirks.

"And why should i do that Weasley? " Hermione then stood up wand drawn .

"Malfoy i have  had enough of your foolishness for one day leave before I turn you into a bloody cockroach!" Backing away Oliver pushes him making him stumble.  Malfory turned around and threw a punch at oliver.

Dodging Oliver threw a counter attack to his gut and to his face, "Leave Samantha alone you Ferret."

Readjusting his jaw Malfoy walked backwards to ma'am pomfrey's office, "My father will hear about this Woods!"

Oliver laughed and shouted "GOOD LET HIM HEAR ME!"

Oliver came back over and sat next to me while smiling, "Nice one Oliver "Smirked ron

"Nice one? "gasped Hermione "His father will soon be out of work for his actions how is that a good one?" he hit ron's shoulder with her book and rubbed her temples.

"It'll be fine my uncles run the family business surely my dad will get his share." Oliver chimed making me feel better. Until I was told I have four broken ribs, Broken ankle and several shattered fingers in my (left or right) hand. I did not feel to good then but ma'am pomfrey gave some awful juice after Oliver left. Gave some to harry as well.

Does he ever not hurt himself?

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