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It's Mary

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It's Mary . . .

so today Is mine and fred's anniversary our TWO YEAR anniversary and what does Fred do?


I can't believe him! the day was so romantic to and he forgot it was our anniversary! First he took me to the qudditch field and we had lunch then we raced around the field until our brooms didn't want to go any more. Then we pranked Neville and seamus and then we just talked in a hidden room in the castle.

He talked of me visiting over the summer like always then he and I talked about what we would do if we ever got married then we got to the great hall for dinner he talked with Angelina the whole time and didn't even notice I was there I at alone until after everybody had left and fred was waiting for outside and he didn't realize it he didn't realize it upset me he didn't realize that I don't want to be with him after.

"What are you so upset about we talked and you and I spent the whole day together like normal what's the big deal Mary?" I look at the ground as I get angry and shoot my gaze to him.

"It's our anniversary, but I guess that's not a big deal is it? " I shout and storm off towards the stairs. I get three flights up when I am stopped by fred.

"That's today why didn't you remind me!? " I gare at him my eyes tearing up.

"I didn't think I had to."

I ran up and got into the common room flying up the stairs and into the girls rooms. I fall on m bed a cry I cover myself up and kick off my shoes I finally stopped crying and it started to feel like I was a zombie so I figured I would fall asleep here. No Ginny came in and pulled me from my bed.

"Gryffindor meeting in the common room come on somethings happened !" she whispered softly I sigh and follow her down the steps to see a darkly lit room only a few candles on a table with a dessert type thing.

"What is this ? " I sniffle wiping my eyes. Fred soon appeared and gave a weak smile, He didn't forget showed up in sparkly cards behind him and more lights came on. I walk down the stairs and hug him and start crying into his chest.

"I never forgot in all honesty I thought you might have." I giggle and punch his arm playfully.

"Do you take me back even though we never officially ended Mary Y/L/N ?" I nod and get on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek only he turned and I kissed his lips and feel into a deep passionate kiss, hoot and hollars came from the room and the stairs breaking us apart and making me blush. I hid my face and swayed with him until Ron tapped his shoulder asking if he can eat the Cakes.

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