How could you?

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Poppy's pov

So draco has been really off lately and I have no idea why he doesn't say anything barely looks at me he hasn't even said hi to me for the passed week. My friend Neela from Hufflepuff says he's probably just in one of his moods. But she'll keep an eye out for him. So she has and nothing has real happened he just does the normal thing he does everyday and I am getting worried.

It's Friday night and Neela and I decided that we would go and spend the night in the library with our group of friends.

Becca a Ravenclaw

Ava a Gryffindor

Cassy a Slytherin

Hannah a slytherin 

Bella a Gryffindor 

We all met up in the library and headed to the Girls Levorotary  in Moaning Mytrle's Bathroom we like to include her in conversations make her feel loved it's Ava's idea so she doesn't feel so sad.

We all sat in a circle myrtle sitting in the window.  Ava kept trying to get her to join the circle. Yet she refused and Cassy said she had some news on Draco just then we hear foot- steps and we all scurry into stalls. Neela and I shared one and we could barely stand on the toilet. I could barely breathe when I heard the voices.

"Come on Draco no one needs to know." Pansy! That sleezy bag! I push from Neela's grip and push open the stall door and storm past draco and Pansy pushing her on to the floor drawing my wand pointing it at her cursing under my breath as she smirked draco tried to plead his case but Hannah had had enough of him hurting me and turned him into a duck.  I stormed out too angry to say any spells. Hannah and Cassy followed me to the Dugdeon's I go to my room and Slam the door locking them out with a heavy lock spell that won't last forever. I Sobbed until I had no tears left.

I laid on my bed blank expression on my face once the girls finally got in people flooded in I showed no facial recognition I just rolled over and slept I made it threw the night without crying I didn't cry when I woke up I just got dressed threw up my hair and walked out of the Dorm to the great hall, I ate listened to the announcements and went to Transfiguration. McGonagall was worried and pulled me to the side after class as I just sat  there and took notes. I didn't talk to anyone all day. Lunch was over and I headed to defense against the dark arts . We learned jinxing spells and what not so I left straight after no need to ask to stay and practice them. I finished my classes. Sat in my room and finished my homework, I then Went to supper at a small amount then slipped out the back. I sat in the common room until it supper was over then I headed to bed.

This repeated for three weeks.

Draco tried to explain but I just kept walking I burnt everything he sent me. Even flowers I watched them wilted. The girls tried to talk to me Hannah more than any one I just kinda gave up after the second week. How could I have been so so native? I start crying here and by now everyone would be shocked to even hear a sneeze out of me. So much as a sob drew attention, I try to dab my tears yet I just let them go everyone should be out anyway They were taking the Third years to Hogsmeade.

The rest of everyone were allowed to join so I should be the only student in the castle. So I sobbed my heart out and tore the room apart then fell to the floor pulling at my hair. I stare in the poorly lite room and watch the door open to reveal a red-eyed Draco Malfoy. I glared and put my head in my knee not looking at him.

"Pop? " I shoot my head up and hiss

"How dare you call me that ! You shouldn't even be here ! " I stand up wand drawn "You should just leave Malfoy!" I sneer he winced as I called him Malfoy and his head dropped.

"Hannah, said you wouldn' listen" I scoff

"Why would I you cheated on me !" he nodded and I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"I had to "

I frown and knock him off of his feet. "What the bloody hell are you talking about draco?" my grey eye's filled with hate.

"She threatened to tell everyone your a Half-blood I didn't want you to go threw what Muggleborns go threw. " I scoff

"Draco.." I whisper after realizing we would be hated on by all the slytherin's  and Draco's Father. I toss my wand to the side help him up and hug him. He and I laid in the bed the rest of the day and he whispered sweet things to me.

Pansy came back and saw up so I erased her memory..   


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