Severus Snape

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Sorry it's so short Liv! I hope you like it!

Liv's Pov

I sit in the Great hall reading one of my favorite novels and when I hear the door snap open I look up to see James Potter and his pack chasing Severus my dearest friend wands at the ready I quickly jump up and draw my wand running towards Severus. I grab him and hug him pushing him behind me.

"What is it you want, Potter?" I sneer. He smirks not lowering his wand.

"But to teach Sneverus a lesson of course! " I glare at him and walk close to him.

"I suggest you not if you don't wish to be blowup into a balloon Potter, stand down." Potter raise his hands in defense he backed up to the side along with his pack I grab severus and drag him to the 1st floor girls bathroom. I Lean him against the sink and dab his bloody lip with my sleeve.

He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. "It'll stain." he whispers.

"It'll wash out eventually." I murmur looking at his lip still bleeding. I slowly bring my wrist to his lip my long sleeve quickly absorbing all the blood from his lip. I pull it away and stare at him.

"liv-" he started then stopped by leaning in I started to lean in and just before we could go any farther.

" Oh I do enjoy a romance don't you ? Don't think that just because I'm a ghost I can't see it!" Moaning myrtle sneered at us. I giggle and grab Severus's hand and pulled him from the bathroom. We walked to the owlery. I found my owl spock who instantly loved up on me and Sev.

"Thank you." Severus said in a hoarse voice looking out the large window.

"For what standing up to Potter ? I should have blown his arse up anyway." I huff petting spock.

"No not just for that." He turned to face me. "For being my friend." I smile and stand up walking towards him.

"I will always be your friend Sev. " he looked down at our feet.

"Just my friend ? "I bite my lip.

"I could be more if you'd like." He smiled at the ground.

"I would like that." I lift his chin with my finger and lean in for the kiss which happened fully this time a little blood taste came from his lip but it didn't matter. I love him no less.

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