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Hey Maddy so I don't know every many synonyms myself,but I hope you like it !

Maddy's pov

Hello I'm Madelyn everyone just calls me Maddy. I'm a fourth year two years under Harry Potter. No I don't have one of those fandom love crazed" Have my babies potter your the chosen one. " Moments I just have a killer crush on him no harm no fowl. Well I have been looking through my Thesaurus and there is nothing not one synonym for how I can explain Harry Potter.

I push my hair behind my ear  and sift through the sea of students. I get to Charms and just skim my Thesaurus until It was time to turn our papers in. It was more of a study time for everyone. I was ahead in charms anyway so I didn't need to study for this test so I just pulled out my sketch book and looked over at harry.

He doesn't notice me anyway, so I have the whole class time to look at him. To draw him of course. I start the drawing then I see him glance at me from the corner of his eye so I stop and put the book away.

It's odd he's never looked at me before. I then just continue to look threw my thesaurus. Picking out words and writing them down. Then class was dismissed and I made my way to lunch running into Y/F/N (Your friend's name.)

"Hey Maddy!" she smiled and skipped. I smile and push up my square glasses.

"Pretty good so far, you'll never guess who looked at me in Charms !" I giggle, Y/B/F gasped covering her mouth as we sit down at the table.

"Woah no way." I nod biting my lip and pulled out my sketch book. Looking over at Harry who was staring right at me!

" Y/F/N - Y/F/N" I whisper and elbow her.

"What My elbows aren't even on the table- " she freezes and sees what I see. "Is he looking right at you?" she sucked in

"I don't know" I exhale and slowly look down at my sketch book. "Is he still looking?" I gulp all my anxiety and happiness.

"Yes." she giggled, I sigh.

"Well this is a beautiful encounter." Y/F/N giggles loudly and playfully shoves me. I roll my eyes and look up to meet Harry's eyes. I blush and wave at him, he blinks away his vision and smiles turning his head. I quickly grab my pencil and start drawing. I sketch him and then eat some of whatever was in front of me.

"Pass the potatoes!" my other friend F/2/N (Friend two's name).

I glare at Him/ Her. "What do you say ?" I say in my motherly voice. F/2/N rolls their eyes, and moves their elbows off the table and smiles.

"Oh please pass the potatoes mother dearest." I smile and hand F/2/N the bowl of potatoes.

"What do you say  ?" I counter F/2/N groans through his/ her head back.

"Thank you." F/2/N dragged on.

I shake my head and munch on  a biscuit. Then they were done and left me so I got up and started walking to the courtyard. When a hand grabs my forearm.  I spin around, to Harry Potter standing above me.

"Oh hi." I whisper, he smiles and lets go of my forearm.

"So I saw you looking at me in charms." I opened my mouth to say something  But then he starts talking again. "So, Madelyn right?" he points at me and I give the that's right you got my name correct nod.

"Everyone calls me Maddy though." he shrugs and crosses his arms.

"I'm going to call you Madelyn." he shrugs, I just nod.

I hug my thesaurus to my chest along with my sketch book with countless pages of doodles and Portraits of Harry himself. Probably from all angles. He points to my books, "Here let me get those for you." I shake my head shrugging.

"It's find they keep my muscles in check." I smile and look up at him .

"So you like to stay in shape?" I nod smiling.

"Mind and body." he smiles wide.

"Cool! " I smirk and feel a blush forming.

"So you wanted to talk to me or just stand awkwardly in the hallway?" I laugh and bite my lower lip.

"Oh! right uh do you like any one random question, but I forgot my original question. " I giggle and push up my glasses.

"There is this someone, you might know him really well. But got to run !" I smile and wave running to my next class.

Harry's pov

"There is this someone, you might know him really well. But got to run!" she smiled bright and waved goodbye running away. I frown and march to Ron and Hermione.

"What's wrong mate?"

"Yeah, Harry you look a bit upset."

"Madelyn the 4th year, I came to ask her about if she liked me and she said I know him pretty well and well does that mean it's not me?" I sigh and look at the ground.

"Harry what did she say exactly?" Hermione asked.

"There is this someone, you might know him really well. " I sigh

"No way." Ron gasped I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. "She's got a thing for me!" I huffed and walked on to class.

I sat in my normal seat and saw Madelyn drawing or writing In one of her books. She looked up and saw me staring and quickly looked down after a good long stare. Class started and she kept writing even through the lesson. I decided to walk by her after class and ask her what she was doing because I know notes don't need circles.

"Madelyn!" I shout as she walks through the door the classroom is empty and she walks back in and holds her books tightly too her chest. I smile and look down biting my lip.

"Yeah, Harry ?" she whispers.

"Umm, Madelyn." I start then notice Hermione outside giving me the thumbs up so I push on. "Whatwereyoudrawinginyourbook!" I pretty much scream in her face. She pulls back.

"What?" She inhales.

"What were you drawing in class I want to know." I smile, she bites her lip and smirks.

"The guy I like."Just like that it was over I knew she'd never show me. Then she said.

"Wanna see?" I frantically nod and she sets her books on the nearest desk and then opened the top book to reveal me.

"What?" I stutter out. She smiles and trys to close the book.

"Madelyn this is awesome!" I gasp. 

"R-really?" she blushes I nod and pick it up looking at all of them.

"Yeah! and you did all of this with out me seeing that's pretty cool. " I smirk and and Idea pops into my head.

Maddy's pov

I watch as Harry flips through all the pictures, Does he really like them?

"You know Madelyn, I'd be happy to model for you any day. "He smirks.

"You would?" He nods and set down my book .

"Well, you know i'd need to get to know you first if this modeling thing ever happens." He winks, I roll my eyes and giggle,

"Is that your way of asking me on a date potter?" he smirks and leans on the desk.

"Yes, Yes it is."

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