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So I some how lost your written imagine so! with that said from the single word Sirius I am winging I apologize if from that point it sucks. 

Hi i'm Rebekah (OMG I LOVE OUR NAME) and I'm in my fifth year at Hogwarts and times are pretty tough lately. Remus Is here at Hogwarts Sirius is still in azkban and I still can't get Draco my little brother to talk to me.

Flash back 

Sirius's pov

"Take her please, he'll kill her. " Narcissa   plead for me to raise her oldest daughter it's mad!

"This is completely mad ! you can't be serious me taking care of her!?" I whisper scream trying to  wake her, Narcissa's cried and looked down at her baby.

"He'd never understand I - I don't even know how she has red hair Sirius. I cannot face him I told him something was happening her hair is growing to be red she, she shows almost no sign of magic I don't know where else to go. " I sigh and look down at the fiery red head and pick her up.

 "I was never here, you never saw me, you return home and say she died of a flew of something Narcissa." I hiss and walk to my motorcycle and lay her in the side car. I drive home to the Potter's and knock on the door. Lily answered and smiled until she saw what I was caring.

"Who I that!" Lily gasped picking up the baby and taking her inside.

"Nice to see you too lily." I scoff and walk into the living room where James and Remus were playing wizards chess. "You'll never believe what just happened boys." I sigh and sit down next to remus. Then peter walked in with bottles of butter beer. 

"What happened? "asked peter

"Narcissa , gave me her first daughter because that slug would kill it can you believe that she wants me to raise it!" I sigh and james just laughed as lily had woken her up and started to tickle her. "Oh, I have a brilliant idea, james you gotta daughter now !"   They roll their eyes.


Remus's pov

Sirius is in azkban for ratting out lily and James, It is not him. Harry is in the muggle world and I am here taking care of Rebekah. Sometimes Rebekah has nightmares where her own father kills her but she says she doesn't remember him only she describes him perfectly.


The only thought in my mind as he in rotting in azkban for Peter that trader. I stay positive then Send her off to Hogwarts. Her first year breaks her arm in qudditch begs me to still let her play. Second year has to return home a week before holiday due to serve sickness. Third year Harry comes and She imforms me on everything and quirell (Omg I spelled that soo wrong but whatever) you had it good buddy well you screwed that up she also told me of Hermione brightest witch in the generation.

Her fourth year harry's second she wrote all the time how she was frightened of the monster. That was a wise tale James, Peter and Sirius would always try to find it. Fifth year I got a letter from Dumbledore later in the summer it came while we were trying to visit Sirius in azkban. We returned and there on the front steps were the letter laid.

Here I helped Sirius into the Hogwarts grounds dementors everywhere Rebekah is scared muggleless. (Shitless, but muggless ha!) Sirius was pleased to catch a glimpse of her as he later told harry about everything via. Letter.

Rebakah's pov

I was walking along the halls passing Harry and Hermione I wave and smile walking to them this was shortly after Sirius left and Ron was in the hospital wing. There stood Draco Malfoy my younger brother, Remus had no trouble telling me  I was adopted and giving to Sirius because of my hair color or something I really don't mine. Draco makes fun of me for being disowned, but truly I don't mind if I was raised like him I might not be sure what I was hiding from myself.

"So the family reject is here to save the day." Draco laughed his has gone on everyday since his second year.

"Shut it Malfoy, at least She has class." Hermione spat her accent on fire.

"Did I ask your opion mud-blood.?" draco spat

I drew my wand and walked right up to him and aimed at his throat. "You know since we aren't brother and sister I would have no harsh feelings blowing your head off right here right now in front of all these people" I hiss "or maybe I can turn you into a ferret and feed you to Buckbeat yeah?" I snarl he whimpering made me sick I hate being mean .

"Buzz off." I shove him and watch him scurry away yelling "His after will hear about this."

Pats on my back and smiles and grins from all around, I finally get to the open grass and sit staring at the clouds. Siruis is gone, Remus is leaving and Harry will be forced to be here alone without family . . .True family.

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