Draco to the rescue!

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First off I just want to say sorry for not being on lately school has been hectic with so many tests and reviews and 18 days left until three month vaca. Honestly it's too much but I just can't wait until summer and I can actually sit down and get more imagines down before High school hits me hard. Which that might not socially even happen, Any just wanted to let you know that I am back this week hopefully ready to knock out old requests and new! Helene, I hope you enjoy this and I hope it's not too short!

Helene's pov

Pushing my Brown hair out of my eyes I stop pugsy she is my all  time bully you think at Hogwarts the bullying would stop. But no Muggles bully me during summer and she bullies me during school it's like I'm invisible, to anything but pain. I quickly turn around and head back to the great hall. But I spotted pugsy's friends waiting for me so I quickly turned and sharp corner into the doors leading to the court yard. I push the doors open and race to the common room, Hopefully to get out of her grasps in my room. My Mother works for the ministry and pulled some strings so I have my own room for my stay at Hogwarts. She knew being me shy awkward and sassy I wouldn't get along good with any of the pure-bloods here. She was honestly surprised when I sent her the letter stating I was in Slytherin, considering she was a Gryffindor and had not a single bad bone in her body. I'm not to sure about my father he had never excepted a witch for a wife and a half-blooded daughter. I'm not to sure if he has an evil bone in him either. (p.s Sorry if that's not accurate made it up as I went.)

Back in the common room Pugsy had caught up with me and the other slytherin's were all around the fire as in the dudgeons It is often cold. But that meaning they would all see me humiliated. I was froze in my spot waiting for her rude comments about the way I am dressed I am dressed in camo pants and a long sleeved black shirt with nothing what so ever on it I was suppose to be doing y normal training runs around the black lake.

"Well well well look who we have hear, little miss camouflage. " She snickered I stood my ground like a solider.

"Looks to me like somebody didn't wash there clothes this afternoon." laughed another

I stare my eyes starting to water.

"Look Helene, you just an accident waiting to happen I mean if your dressed like that then why don't you just lead Voldemort's followers I'm sure they would Love a fashion change or is that took overwhelming for you " Pugsy snorted

"LOOK AT HER." They roared in laughter then I saw him. Draco Malfoy glaring at her as if he was piercing knifes in her skull. I decided to pluck up the courage to say something back.

"Look, whose talking did your wife knit that for you?" I sneer in actions to quick to think I was slapped straight across the face. I heard a spell shout from across the room instantly I duck to the floor.  I look up and see Draco's hand reached out to help me up and just then a squirrel run around the common room. I giggle and draco drags me out of the common room it's now night time and the courtyard is bright as day.

"She'll never hurt you again, Helene. " Draco whispered into my hair.

"You turned her into a squirrel, I don't think she can mentally." I giggle hugging him.

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