Draco Malfoy

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Ariana's pov

I was finishing up my essay in the library when my friend Amy walked in. I put my quill down and wave to her as she spots me she jogs over quickly to me her signature preppy looking smile was wide in play. "You'll never guess who I heard talking about you!" she squealed loudly getting 'shhed' by Hermione granger. I rolled my eyes I didn't mind her until she got annoying. I looked at Amy who was about to explode "What is it you git!" I laugh returning to my essay for professor McGonagall.

"Stop working for once and hear me out!" I was just about to finish curse you amy! "Ok ok let's go " I got up gathering all my books and blew gently on the parchment. I saw it was dry and put it into my transfiguration book. I simply take my quill and follow amy to the dungeons. We got to the door and she mumbled a "Pure-blood" before dragging me into the common room then up the stairs into the dorm. She looked around before pulling me in and locking the door. I sent my books down on my bed, "Now what was soo important amy?" I ask smoothing out my skirt. She squealed and spun around "You are so odd amy." she gasped the sat next to me "I hear draco talking about you in the great hall!" she squealed clapping Draco was my all time crush if it wasn't for him being so oblivious we would have been together by now.

I cover my mouth "Really!?" she nods "I also heard that he was going to ask you out but pansy told me that so she is probably lying that little rodent. " I giggle at amy as she continues to ramble on about how much she hates pansy I stop her midsentence when the dinner bells went off. "I love you Amy but I'm hungry." she rolled her eyes unlocking the door and we walked down to the common room where pansy and Blaise sat making out we gag loudly and make a run outta the common room. We take the twisted turns and finally get to the great hall and sneak in during professor Dumbledore's end of the day speech. I sat in my normal spot only Draco seemed to be closer as if he had switched spots with crab and goygle . I then was only Amy way from what amy would say my fate. During dinner I felt as if he was trying to get my attention cause he was being louder and more annoying than normal.

So after he shouted over at potter I got up still not done with my food but I got done with what I had and left I get to the common room the fire was out odd I know magical everything and the fire just goes out. I throw my wood and light it up with my wand. After that I sit by the fire and decide to go up to my dorm and change. I change into my PJ's and I sit in bed ready to study when I hear the voices flood in the common room I close my curtains for privacy while studying for my up coming to test that Umbridge was forcing us to take. I hate her even if she does pamper us sytherin's but I find it highly annoying. Focusing on the words coming from my peers I hear the words "Draco, asked me to dinner with his parents" I heard pansy giggle to the others "No way he didn't!" you heard amy squeal my mouth drops the words flow from my mouth "she didn't just back stab me." well no one heard me anyway they were to busy gossiping over what pansy should wear to the dinner.

I finally had enough and just closed my book there was no point of studying if I couldn't even make out a word with someone butting in. I set my book on my night stand. I stand up slip on my shoes and I take my wand slipping it into my sleeve as I slip out of the dorm. I walk into the common room to see the boys running up into the boys dorm. I shrug it off and walk to the door and I walk the corridors I get to the kitchens and I walk into them seeing a Hufflepuff Zacharias Smith and Justin finch- fletchley cooking something in the ovens. "What you boys cooking?" I ask Justin was he first to turn around "Oh hi..hi ari..." he stuttered I smile "Hi Justin, Zach." I walk closer to catch a glimpse of what was cooking I giggle as they were cooking Dragon eggs and ham. "You need to add the salt now." Justin franticly looked for some salt to put on the bacon. "Over on the shelf. " I point and Zach comes over and sits next to me.

"So why are you in the kitchens at this hour?" I giggle "Why are you?" he pouts "My tummy " I smile "Fair enough." Justin came back "So what are you doing out of the dungeons ?" I sigh "Pansy." their mouths make 'O's and they nod not saying another word. After we ate we stayed in the kitchen until It hit mid-night. " might wanna get going sytherin it's past hours and our house is closer than yours." I nod giving them half hugs and I make a run for it. I snuck back into the common room where I saw the fire dimming. I toss some wood on it and the fire began to burn it up I sat on the couch and stared at it trying to listen if the girl were still awake. To my luck they were. I walk up to get my pillow and a blanket when I hear "Draco will love that on you!" amy cheered along with other girls. I roll my eyes and walk down the stairs and sit on the couch until I hear foot steps from the dorm. I turn to see Addie Neviens trudge down the stairs holding her books and a pillow.

"Oh sorry Ari can I sleep on the other couch while you sleep there you know if I'm not a bother." I smile "No bother." she grins and tossed her pillow on the opposite couch. I sit myself up "You okay addie?" she rolled her eyes "Oh please pansy will not shut up about a fake dinner date." I frown "Fake?" she nodded "Yeh crab dared draco to ask her cause they want her to think that so they can toss her in the black lake but , ' god addie get outta here your opinions don't matter to someone like me." she rolled her eyes "This should be fun." she laughed and I furrow my eyes "Is amy.. just going along with it so pansy doesn't turn her into a rat ?" addie laughed deeply "Probably you sho- STUPID POTTER ! " I hear coming from the entrance of the common room "NO more like stupid goygle! He should have told us where he went. " I heard someone sneer along with draco they storm into the common room.

"Addie ? Ari? what are you two doing up so late?" Draco asked I sigh putting my pointer figure to my mouth and pointed to the girl dorms. OH MY MERLIN THAT IS JUST PERFECT YOU HAVE TO WHERE THIS WITH YOUR DRESS!" one shouted. I rub my temples "She bought it?" addie nodded "She's been like that ever since supper." I sigh pushing the throw pillow into my face I felt hands on my neck. "Hey come on ari you look like a zombie." I stood up " any whereas long as we cant hear her." he laughed taking me by the hand up to HIS ROOM! OH MY MERLIN! Draco had his own room yet it was secret sorta? I finally get my breath and then I am in his room. I smile and see a couch I heard silence "thanks draco I own you one!" I walk over to lay on the couch but he stops me. "Oh no you can sleep in the bed. " I shake my head "No it's your bed and you should sleep in it I will take the couch." he then took my waist and pulled me to his chest "Please take the bed." I look down "Ok." I trudge to dracos bed placing my wand on the night stand next to the potions book.

I soon rest my head and begin to sleep the bed smelled like him and I started to breath heavy as the smell put me straight to sleep.

An hour or so later

I then shot awake to screaming "AHHH NO ARI COME BACK ! NO DON'T YOU DARE DIE NOOOO!" I jump up falling over something I quickly get up an dash over to him. "Draco ! Draco wake up wake up !" I shake his shoulders "Draco!" I whisper as he wakes up sweating he frankly looks around then hugs me so tight I have to tap out of the hug. "Draco, are you okay?" he shook his head I take his hand and drag him to his bed and he sits cuddling with me. I light a candle to my left. I come back to draco "Are you okay?" he smiles I rub his arm when and he cringed "Draco please tell me whats wrong." he looked down. He took my hand and rubbed against my knuckles. "tell me please." I whisper

Draco's dream

Draco's pov

I was running around like one of those those weasley's looking for ari snape had threatened to turn her into the dark lord then she didn't show up at breakfast amy hasn't seen her since Saturday she wasn't In potions or any classes. I was at Malfoy manner "Draco I need you to take care of one of the peasants in the dungeons. " my father sneered I walk into the dungeons to see ari my princess tied up beaten up and bruised "Ari?" I gasp rushing to her side . "What what are you doing here why are you-Son get her outta here before the dark lord comes and finds her!" my mother whispered and just as I was about to flash us outta here when an unforgettable curse is shot at ari and she fell into my arms as dark lord as the love of my life my everything had just been struck and killed before my eyes.

"Ari?" I ask as tears fall from my face "I always knew you were weak Malfoy. " the dark lord sneered I turn to ari who's pulse was no longer there "AHHH NO ARI COME BACK! NO DON"T YOU DARE NOOO! " I had her within my arms as the dark lord struck me with a bolt.


Ariana's pov

I hold on to his hand "It's ok i'm here now hey it was just a dream." He rests his head on mine "Never leave me ari." I look up " I wouldn't dream of it draco." he smiled and leaned into my face and we began to kiss until I felt something move I look to his arm and pull up his sleeve. "Draco..." I whispered tears fall down his face "Don't go ari." I traced the dark mark. tears fill my eyes "we'll have to go into hiding.." I whispered I saw his smile "Ari you will have to go I don't want you here at Hogwarts when he comes promise me." I nod "I promise." he smiles "Then we are leaving next month Pack everything and if there is anything you need at home write it down I will have to flash and get it. "

"Ari ... I love you.." I smile and kiss is lips which were super soft by the way. "I love you too draco."

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