Twin 'Sneak Peek'

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Hey guys so I wanted to give you a little sneak peek into my new book "Twin seeker." I have not published or revised this bit so any Errors I apologies!
And i haven't really been Up to doing lots of imagines I've been feeling depressed lately so the stories would be sad and then y'all would be sad and it would never end and id cry then you'd cry... lol that honestly wouldn't happen but anyway Thats why the slow and not occurring updates so forgive me? Enough og me here !!!! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ENOUGH TO VOTE AND COMMENT

Any who I decided that Alice, Harry's twin will live with Hagrid in his hut a little ways off from the magical walls of Hogwarts. Yet I still kept harry as the only one to survive Alice however was staying at Uncle Sirius's that night of the full moon. Which just so happens He has to leave and Pettigrew was the only other person Sirius could trust with James and Lily's child for he trusted not even his own kin. In the search of the house they found little Alice hiding under the bed. Dumbledore Immediately took her and took her back to Hogwarts and showed McGonagall who instantly clung to the child. Dumbledore Searched the grounds for Snape as he was no where to be seen. He called upon the minstery and they said it was fair to dangerous to put the two together so harry was made an only child Alice became invisible to everyone. Albus made sure no one knew who she was only the Professors and certain people in the minstery.


(THAT was just a snipit)

Chapter One

Alice Potter ; Age 11

(I have not yet found what she can look like if you have an Idea comment a description)

Alice's pov

I was running in the forbidden forest along with a group of centaurs we just found a unicorn little tike was limping. So I decided we should go get Hagrid who instantly sent me to the castle and told me not to leave. I sat quietly in the great hall as I hear the professors start talking about you-know who and Harry my brother? I new I have a brother I just didn't think I would really get to meet him since our birthday is in a few days and that school starts soon after I overheard Snape tell Dumbledore it is best to keep us apart. Instantly I think to tell Hagrid, but Sir Nickolas said we should keep it between us. I agreed and he said he will try his best to get Harry's address for me.

Later I was to stay in the hospital wing because I wasn't in a house. I was then awoken by sir nick he was very frantic as he told me what Harry's address was I quickly thank him over and over. I grab some parchment and a quill from the office and begin writing a letter to my long lost brother.

Dear Harry,

Hello Harry I am Alice your younger sister.. And I have been here at Hogwarts with Hagrid the grounds keeper. He pretty much raised me from a baby the Professors here tell me that you defeated the dark lord but from the stories at the pubs to Dumbledores endless ranting to how mom , dad and you saved me. I don't really understand it all yet so hopefully you know something - hopefully not stuck with those bloodly Muggles any more I promise that once school turns around you and I we will be happy even if things don't go as Professor Spouts says.

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