Mushy Gushy and yeah

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Gianna's pov

I was walking to the common room where me and James always meet after our classes. But I got the the common room to see James and a girl talking on the couch she couldn't have even been a second year. Then I saw his flirting smirk, She giggled and then she pulled him into a kiss, my best friend my crush since 1st year! I dropped my satchel next to the end table knocking down the end table and breaking a vase. I then just ran I ran towards the black lake. The rains pours down on my head hard but I lean up against a tree huddled in a ball crying softly. Hoping that James is still in the common room that jerk. If not I hope that the rain and tree is a big enough camouflage.

It wasn't I saw him coming and jumped up punching his chest and trying as hard as I could to hurt him. It didn't work since he was bigger than me he wrapped his arms around me to stop me. I push away from him.

Then I let it out.

"I can't believe you James! I love you I do everything for you and what do you do you kiss another girl! No not just any girl that's not your style ! You go for someone prettier than me , funnier than me, She even just laughs cute and what do I do ? I freaking snort I bloody snort James! So tell me why are you even still my friend I don't up your popularity one bloody bit and all you can do is be my friend and talk bad about me I saw the way you looked at her you don't look at me like that what do I have to do for you to understand I love you and I don't want to see you with your tongue down someone else's throat.  Just forget it James you wouldn't understand love anyway. " 

I am sobbing by this point letting all the emotion and poison drip from my lips thunder booms and I flinch I'm frightened by thunder and lightning , James knows so I just start walking up the hill in my drenched Robes. I hear more thunder and I flinch again and shake harder.

I feel myself being pulled from my shoes and I spin into a kiss. James holding my cheeks his soft lips collide with mine the taste of my salty tears rest in my mouth until James slowly opens his mouth instinctive I open my and the taste of salty tears are gone and it's a  mint taste that enters my mouth and all I can do is crave more. I can't force myself to kiss back, but he pulls away before I can think about kissing him again.

"Gi, I was just trying to make her like my brother I think she thought I liked her. " He removes his hands and pulls me into a hug so I can smell his scent. It was almost like cherries.

"Gi, I love you to , more than you could imagine. Every since our first year when you bit your lip nervously while the sorting hat instantly said Gryffindor.  Then you watched me I stared at you making goofy faces to help me not be nervous. I also remember you sharing your pumpkin pie with me at Halloween, because it was a big piece and you'd never finish it. " He chuckled to himself "And then time you kissed my cheek after I saved you from getting detention in Second year."

I blush deeply he remembers all those ridiculous things?

"I also remember the time you visited our house in the summer mother insisted she helped you try on clothes and gave you a short sun dress that barely stayed on without a magic pin. " he smirked I put my face in his chest as I was probably looking like a tomato.

"Gi I love you okay nothing can change that cause now your my girl."

Then he pulled me into another powerful kiss and this time I kissed back no words can explain how -how magical it felt,  I truly love you James Sirius Potter. I do .


Gianna and James fell sick due to making out in the rain and stayed in the hospital wing for over a month, all they did was cuddle and blow snot.

The end .

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