No one more than Potter

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Hey it's Gianna and let's get something straight I hate then James Sirius Potter that boy is the most annoying boy I have ever met! Surely his father being the chosen one  he'd learn to respect. It's an opinion I suppose, I Just can't believe him he is so Snotty all the time my Mother tells me of the things Harry and his friends did and the boy who ratted on Harry the most was Draco Malfoy- James reminds me of him so much all the awful stories that man could tell.

 I was reading in the common room reading Hogwarts not such a brief history, Professor Longbottom gave me In all honesty I think he didn't want it. I laugh to my self, Then the common room door opens there strutting in was James. I ignore him until he takes my book away.

"What the hell POTTER GIVE IT BACK!" I shout he smirks and holds it over his head knowing I am shorter than he is.

He laughed and smirked "And if I don't what are you going to do smile at me till  I die?"

 I glare and jump for it "Give it back you filthy slug!" I hiss and he chuckles

"Now, Gianna you don't really think that do you?" I frown up at him and cross my arms

"Yes, now give me back my book potter." he rolled his eyes and smirked that stupid SMRIK!

"But don't you like my eyes, Gianna? " I flush my heart speeds up how would be know I like his eyes? he can't I hide my diary in a box under my bed. he'd never find it in that mess.. "Don't you like my hair gianna? what about my bum huh? you like me don't you?" he plays that damn smirk and keeps my book behind his back and then walks towards me I back up running out of space then I hit the back of the couch and fall sitting with a plop.

"Are you sure you hate me ?" he whispered on to my lips I just stare at him in shock for a while then I felt his soft lips against mine his hands on the back of the couch before I realized what was happening I kissed back. His lip moved perfectly along with lines with mine. Pulling away he smiled and rested his head on mine, I can't believe I just kissed him.  

We stayed like this for a moment until the rest of  the qudditch team rolled in and whistled and hollered I jumped up pushing james off of me and ran up  to the girls dorm. I slam the door and run and instantly look under my bed my diary wasn't in it's box... he did look at it! it was all an act! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM!

I sit knees to my chest, he's probably shown everyone by now! I can't believe him! that cockroach!

The door swung open there stood james panting. I look away to the window only to have james pull me up by my arms and toss my diary on my bed I hav eno time to yell at him because his lips crash against mine sparks fly threw me and I just melt it was like the kiss from early only more passionate he pushed my body closer to him and I just relax in his arm, to think 6 years I could have had this.

We kiss until our lungs burn with fire from lack of air although we wished to keep going. " Gianna, I like you and I couldn't asked for a more perfect time and a prefect pair of lips." I smile and he pecks my lips "Please stay with me?" I nod and hug him he rubs my back "I wrote in your diary just- just a small entry If that's okay. I have to go change for supper, sit with me okay?" I nod and he runs off I quickly pick up my diary and open to the last page written on.

Dear, Gianna

I hope that by now I have kissed your breath away (Literally ) and I wish that you will become my girlfriend  I probably ran out like a coward or something but please give me a chance. Taking this was a big risk to what I just asked but I only skimmed threw until I saw my name and I didn't show  a soul. Promise! I just wanted to know if you really did like me cause my dad tells me stories all the time that's how my grandparents met you know they hated one another's guts until finally they plucked up the courage to say they like one another you know I am not that good with words my arguments end up with you winning anyway because I just wanted to get your attention. So that sums it up I really do like you gianna yours truly ~ James Sirius Potter

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