My Hufflepuff

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Rose's pov

Walking along the corridor I am faced with a flying ball which splatters green paint all over me instantly I think it's a slytherin, but then it smells like cabbage. Pulling my hair back out of my eyes I see Fred and George my life long friends.

"It's on so on. " I pushing past them to the Hufflepuff common room. No one questioned it they just let me walk through. I wash off and my clothes were ruined my face and hands are now stained bright green. So I begin to plot my revenge. The next day I "forgive" them saying I was having a rough day giving them hugs placing a kick me sign on there back they didn't realize until lunch.

I didn't say anything just giggled then saw Peeves instantly thinking of another prank.

"Peeves! oh please be a dear and help me prank the weasel twins. " He chuckled with laughter agreeing why I don't know Later in the evening peeves showed me a passage way to the Gryffindor common room it was large and smelled arrogant.

I give peeves a thumbs up and he floats to the boys' dorm floating down saying.

"All sleeping."

I make my way up to there dorm tiptoeing to there beds. With a smirk I pull out my wand and whisper spells to make their hair pink. With than there hair was so pink that it glows in the dark as soon as I was back in the halls and close to Hufflepuffs common room Peeves yelled out.

"STUDENT OUT OF BED THERE IS A STUDENT OUT OF BED! DUMBLEDORE DO SOMETHING!" Running to the common room I see kids coming down the stairs so I turn around to look like I'm going the same thing they  are to find out who it is.

With our whole dorm awake Cedric Diggory a pale of my father's friend makes  a run to the kitchen taking food and we all stayed up. We munched until maybe three in the morning. And we all fall asleep on top of each other.

Waking up late we all scrabble into our cloaks and book it to our first classes. Slippers or bare foot. Instantly I see the twins, Bright pink hair.

The day dragged on and I giggle every time I see them finally I get to the end of the day and boom it's Supper.

My favorite time of day. I sit at my table and Fred walks up to me and with a face smile asks if i'll talk to him in the hall way with him. Hesitantly I follow him walking passed several of my hufflepuff friends who just giggled.

"Yes pinkie you wished to see me?" I snorted.

"Yes actually " he laughed, Then he pushed me up against the wall.

"Peeves told me you did this." I blush and fluffy his pink locks.

"Oh really he'll say anything." He leaned closer "is that why you were out of your dorm last night to prank us ! I'm shocked my Hufflepuff. "

In shock ? I'm in shock.

"My hufflepuff." he whispered giving me a quick peck on the lips.

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