Menna's Flashbacks

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Draco's POV

Menna your typical Ravenclaw so shy she squeaks when she talks but sometimes with a hint of flare inside her squeal, Pureblood to a T but not the way you think. 6th year, Brown hair ,green grey eyes the ones you get lost in. She's perfect, problem is she's dating me.

Voldemort has been pushing me to crack the vanishing cabinet but menna has been distracting me I'm starting to think she knows about me..

It's been a week since my last meeting and I'm starting to get so nerved up Jenna has been close and I'm afraid voldemort may kill her like he said he said he would if I didn't crack it soon. So I have been pushing her away and it's hurting her I hate it she's ran away and cried to that weasley girl Ginny, I mean I have to or else she'll die... I have to do something now.

Menna's POV

I've been distracting Draco for over a week now, the vanishing cabinet scares me, my aunt rammie vanished that's why it's semi hidden. Anyway Snape my favorite professor gave me some of his truth serum I tried it on Draco and he told me everything.. I've been waiting in the court yard waiting for him to show up yet he hasn't shown up I'm nervous.

Thoughts run in my mind

He's dead
He found out that you knew so he ran away
He's going in the cabinet
He's being tortured

*2 hours *
Draco walked up to me and passionately kissed me, but draco pulled away. I still shocked from the kissed am in a trance he pulls me out of it by yelling in my face..

" Leave you mudblood slimy filth!"

" W-what?" I squeal backing away my smile fading.

"You heard me menna you don't go we both die "

Tears pouring down our faces I sigh and go to my tippy toes and kiss Draco's forehead. Turning sharply and booking it to the common room and writing home.

Days later I am hidden on an island far north. With muggles, mother and father are down stairs talking. I stare at the photo of me and draco laughing in hogsmead in third year. He was my only friend he had stood up to the Hufflepuff that bullied me. Then after the quidditch cup I was his girl. Tears form then an owl hit the window, I rush to let him in.

Errol? The Weasley's bird? What is he doing here ? I take the letter from his beak and read it silently.


Was the only thing written on the cover , my names so lifeless on the page. My father came up to check on me and he quickly took it from me and opened it there on the page splats of blood and wax holding the howler together.

"Well..well...well.. You just happen to know everything once again dear menna . " voldemorts voice hung low and deep in the room. "Oh and menna dear the train awaits you draco won't live forever " there I hear a loud scream from draco .





Draco stood held at wand point by a death eater. Draco groaned and my mother walked in her wand drawn followed behind her there stood harry potter himself. How? Who cares?






What is it with flashes these days??

"MennA ?" I heard a groan I turn draco!?

I run to him and he smiles " were not in London any more." I look around were not. I heard a growl and turned and my vision went black.

I am shook awake,I turn in the warm fluffy sheets . "Mommy!" I heard a tiny squealed voice I turn and see a small blonde haired girl with my eyes giggling crawling into bed.

"Hey sweetie ." a deep voice groaned next to me, Draco smiled at our daughter who. Cuddled up next to us and I didn't have those dreams again.

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