Thanks peeves'

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Sarah's pov

I was walking through the corridor everyone staring at me. It was my second year at Hogwarts and it was almost like it was at school no friends- Well I hate everyone anyway. My Ice blue eyes shoot daggers into the slytherin girls as they laugh at me. I Black hair in a high ponytail and my robes ready and ironed. Nothing should be different, I think at least. I giggle and smirk at them.

"So how many laughs do you get when your seen naked pansy? Or do they just throw up." I smirk and walk on into Charms my favorite class so far potions would take second.

I sit at my seat and we just sit there. So half of the class leaves and finally we all just give up that's odd. I walk to potions and I see Draco Malfoy and Pansy. Pansy in tears, hopefully she tells him about what I said he needs a good laugh.

"Oh Dracy she is so awful!" She cries I laugh and walk pasted

"Have fun in the closet, Pansy?" I whisper and walk backwards into potions before spinning around, I sit down in my seat in the front and Snape walks over to me.

"Five points to Ravenclaw... Nice come back ." I raise an eyebrow but don't think to much about it yay Five points!

Potions dragged on and I felt like the teacher's pet seriously Snape's got some mad teach skills but dang. I make my way to the great hall for dinner and seat myself at the end of the table snape eyeing me copiously.

I eat quickly and make my way to the dorm to grab my books when I certain hand stops me. I turn around and see Draco Malfoy. That smirk is on his face and a glimmer in his eyes.

"Sarah do you want to head to the qudditch field with me?" I give a questioning look "Trust me." I sigh because he hadn't let go.

"Fine. " I follow him to the Qudditch field no one has played since McGonagall canceled when Hermione was petrified. So no practice today. We walk through the Slytherin enterance and Draco just pulled me into the middle of the field and we sat down.

"Did you really tell Pansy that ?" he asked and turned to me I laugh aloud .

"Guilty as charged. "  We talked for hours he told me about his home life and I mentioned mine. It was cold out so we decided to head back and sneak in.

My common room was really far from the dugedon's so I head up until Draco pulls to another flight of stairs to a random tower. I have no clue what's happening and all I know is draco pulls me in for a kiss. We kiss until Peeve's shows up.

"Well, well, Well look what we have here.A couple of love bird out of their beds. " He said really loud.

"Sshh ! Peeves you'll get us caught!" draco whisper shouted, peeves giggled.

"That's the point!" he yelled, Draco took my hand and we dashed to a painted he whispered something and then we walk down the dark hall until a door comes into view. We can still here peeves shouting. ' I tell ya Malfoy and some girl were out of bed they were right their sucking faces!'

My head brings a laughing thought so I say it, " That's not all I can suck." Drcao turns around so fast he hits is head on the wall. I stifle my laughs with my hands and he slowly opens the door.. It's slytherin's common room.

"follow  me." He whispers and we head to the stairs,

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