The Deatheater's Wife

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Cielo's Pov

"You see Ceilo I can't be with you they will kill you and my father. He will want to be the to do it ceilo. I can't see you any more not like this you're going to get hurt because of me." Draco sobbed into my chest.

"Draco I wouldn't have dated you for this long just to throw you away  I am not letting you go !" I whisper.

"You- you knew?" he murmured looking up, I nod and give a small smile.

"I was outside ." HE gasped and hugged me tighter.

"This is worse and the baby is on it's way you need to get out of the country to the America's you'll hopefully be safer there. " Draco gulped standing up

Tears fall down my eyes.

"Draco, the war is over it was just another nightmare babe." I sigh

HE shakes his head and tries to rip out his hair. I stand up My stomach begin huge prevents me  form moving farther into the corner.

"Draco Honey, the wars over. " I whisper before our first Son (Insert your son's name)

"Mommy, is daddy okay?" I turn to look at him and I squat down to his level.

"Yes honey, he just had a nightmare. " (Y/S/N ) walked over to Draco and gave him his teddy bear my parents gave him.

"Here daddy Gramgram says ' If Teddy is there the monsters can't get you.' " He giggled and hugged him and gave my stomach a kiss and ran back to his bed room right next door.

"See baby?" I whisper pulling him out of the corner. "Are you okay now?" I whisper he nods and looks down at my hand with my wedding rings. 

"I'm - I'm sorry Cielo." He whispered hugging me while crying.

Our baby number two kicked my stomach and I bunch over in pain as m water broke. Now of all times baby number two !

Draco calls the maids and I deliver the baby At 5 am  to a health baby girl. Draco was just like the nightmare never happened.

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