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Kylee's pov

I was sitting with Remus' friends  waiting for him to get to the great hall and I was reading when I realized that a full moon was coming up I always love full moons they remind me of nature. I smile and set my book down.

"Woah the one and only Kylee is setting her book down. " Sirius laughed. I glare at him.

"Oh haha Black, I thought you'd all want to know there's a Full moon coming up." I say with my nose stuck up. They all trade side glances. I roll my eyes does he always have to be such a snot?

I go to open my book  and James hand stops me. I look up at  him curiously of course.

"So you know?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I know what?" peter wobbled in his seat and Sirius lead forward.

"About you know what?" he whispered, I tilt my head down at look into his eyes.

"I have no Idea what you three are talking about." James sighed and leaned forward more.

"That...remusisa Wereshmhmhn." I furrow my eyebrows in udder confusion.

"What?" I whisper. He rolled his eyes and bobbed his head side to side as if he wanted not to tell me.

"Remus is a werewolf alright?" Sirius whispered as the great hall got louder from more kids flooding in. I start thinking that would make sense Remus never did like it when I rambled on about the moon.

Speaking of the devil he walked up and sat right next to me I smile and take a sip of my orange juice opening up my book. I feel six eyes staring through my skull, I look up and giggle.

"What are you blokes looking at?" James gulped back his spit, I lean over to Remus. I poke his shoulder and point to them.

"I think I broke them." Remus chuckled and shook his head.

"There probably just shocked your not nose deep in that book of yours what is it anyway?" I  close the book to reveal the title.

"Wombats and the werewolves. It's honestly quiet interesting, who would have thought that Wombats and werewolves don't get along." I say in a pip tone before opening it back up I give a quick glance at the three idiots across from me and see peter with his mouth wide open.

I read more in depth until breakfast was over and we could go back to our dorms. I sit in the Gryffindor common room (Sorry if your a different house) I keep reading up on the subject of werewolves I find it honestly spectacular that I'm really friends with one.  I sit on the sofa when I am covered by a shadow. I look up from my book and see James, Sirius, and little peter.

"Can  help you toads? " I say monotone, Sirius looks around.

"Why weren't  you freaking out this morning?" I roll my eyes, standing up.

"You boys have some nerve really. Remus isn't a monster so i'm not going to treat him like one you guy honestly thought I would shame my own best friend ?" I roll my eyes and make my way up the stairs to my own dorm.

WEEK LATER (Because why not )

I was sitting out by the black lake when The marauders decided to pay me another visit. I try to ignore them and continue reading my newest book Moon and Stars.  But they sit down right next to me.

"You really do like to read Kylee." Stuttered out peter. I just nod and flip the page.

"You know who else likes to read? "Sirius asked, I could just sense the same ungodly forsaken smirk on his face. I Roll my eyes and shrug, flipping the page.

"Oh Prongs she doesn't know !" Sirius squealed, James gasped. I stand up and turn to face them.

"Do you have anything else to do other than bug me?" The two boys turn to peter who pulled out his note book. he flipped through it rabidly.

"Nope we're free until 1 that's when Prongs and sneveus are going to argue." I roll my eyes and walk back up to the castle. They jog up behind me.

"Should we tell her?" asked James, Sirius chuckled.

"Never." I roll my eyes and continue walking. After walking all the way to girls lavatory I walked right in and saw lily. I wave to her as she was washing her hands.

"Hey Ky! " She giggled peering around me to the three idiots waiting for me outside the door. I set down my book next to the sink and roll my neck.

"Nice entourage Kylee." Giggled Renee (Don't ask questions she's a person)

"Tell me about it they won't leave me along until 1." I groan, lily giggled and turned off the sink.

"Why would the three of them want to bug you?" I shrug and grab my book.

"Exactly I have no Idea they have this crazy idea that someone likes me and won't tell me who which is fine but I get a free turn once they run off at 1." I ramble to lily she laughs and holds on to the sink because she's laughing so hard.

"Lily Evans get out here!" James shouts, lily holds up a finger and walks towards the door and I hear murmurs then she comes back.

"So you know too huh?" She smile giggling. Great.

"Lily please pretty please tell me now I'm worried is it Severus!" She rolls her eyes.

"Oh no kylee haha you just need to show up to the Gryffindor practice match." With that she hugged me and left.

I get to the field and go up to the seats and see Remus I smile and sit next to him. He looks up and grins widely. Then I hear The three bozos yells Moony! Remus groans and stands up and looks over the edge. Hmm.. Moony Ha I get it fits him.  He comes back and smiles at me.

"Would you like to join me on the field Kylee?" I smile and jump up and follow him. There on the grass was a little picnic the three bozo's already sat down. Munching on sandwiches, James waved at me with a mouth full peter yelled at me to sit next to him so I did not being rude.

"So Kylee when is the full moon?" Asked Sirius I open my book and look for my hand writing.

"Next Tuesday." I state and begin to eat a random sandwich.

Remus just kind of looked at us I ate a second bite when Peter asked.

"Hey Kylee do you plan on helping us get remus to the shack?" I nod and swallow my bite.

"Course. " sitting there remus is totally and utterly shocked. Iift up the sandwhich bun and Look around.

"James can you pass the mustard?" (SORRY IF YOU HATE THE LOVING GOODNESS OF MUSTARD)

"You know?" I nod and grab the mustard from James. He looked shocked I just continued as I was.

"Why- Why aren't you scared?" I look up at him.

"because you are not a monster Remus you are the most outgoing friend I have and if you are to wish me away I will do so, but only out of love will I distance myself every 28 for three days I will but for that is only out of love."  I stand up holding my book I walk passed and Remus grabs my hand and pulls me towards him we collide and kiss his lip taste almost like snow cold and soft.

"stay." He whispered as he held my head in his hands staring into my eyes.

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