Classic Sirius

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Sorry if this is too short!

Evelyn's pov

"Evelyn you need to get some work done all you have done is your first sentence of Professor Slughorn's Assignment. "lily told me, I groan and continue to work on my essay for a good half an hour until The marauders walked into the common room.

"Lily could we take a break my hand is killing me." I beg as she finishes her paper with a big period mark.

" I suppose, so hows your mum and dad?" she asked with a smile before a pair of hands cover my face and a deep voice whispers.

"Guess who?" the long hair tickled my ear, so I giggle and cock my head to the side.

"It's not moony, can't be wormtail. is It prongs?" I giggle the hands are removed and Sirius jumps over the couch.

"Prongs? Prongs? of all the half nosed wankers- Prongs?" I laugh and kiss his cheek before turning and talking to lily about my parents. Sirius pulled me into his chest and rested his head on my shoulder. He gave it small kisses, distracting me from lily talking to me about her sister and how she still doesn't know why that she doesn't like her after all these years.

I finally got lost and just stared at her nodding. Paddy started to whisper things but I can't hear any more, Prongs and Moony have retreated to the fire place and are poking it Potter with his middle finger. Wormtail on stand by with a cup of water,

"Evie, I wanna kiss." Sirius whispered as he rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

I ignore him and try to tune back into lily, but Sirius does it again.

"Evie, Please lets slip away and go somewhere." he chuckled I nudge him and he huffs I finally tune back in when The others come over. Sirius tried to talk again but I stopped him

"Paddy it's rude to interrupt." I whisper and listen to Prongs roll on and on about how Lily's parents would love qudditch, even more if they saw him. Then Sirius didn't stop he whispered things that should not be repeated to underage wizards. I blushed so red my face probably matched Lily's head.

I turned around and hid my face in Sirius' chest, he laughed and whispered.

"Merlin lily put my girl to sleep!" I shake my head and let him play with my hair as I fall asleep on his chest in the common room to a nice toasty fire.

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