Mary's scare

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MAYBE TRIGGERING Word count: 406 Mary's pov

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Word count: 406
Mary's pov

So 6th year Gryffindor and I'm staying at the weasley's for the summer since I've been dating Fred a while and my house had caught fire Mr. And Mrs. Weasley's love having me here. Although I prank harder than Fred and George , and a little more stubborn Mrs. Weasley's loves me.

Right now Fred and I are having a fight in the fields not far from his house all because I found letters to another girl at hogwarts.

" You ugly wart- hog how could you !?" I shout at him

He rolls his eyes " maybe it's nice talking to other girls who don't self hate maybe I'll just break up with you how would you like that ? You think that your have to be my everything my every dyig wish don't you? Your soo upset over your parents dying that your forget what's important well guess what Mary they are gone nothing in this world that can save them alright ! So just stop your bloody blabbering about if they were still alive I woulds okay cause they are not so why don't you just leave?!"

I stand shocked tears threatened to fall so I take off to Ginny and i's room I slam the door and start sobbing, I search threw my bags to fine the knifes I sob on the floor debating on my body part of choice. Throat ,thighs , wrists. Or stomach I finally close my eyes and lay the knife on my skin until I hear a soft knock from the door.

" Mar?" A soft voice sounding like Fred , yet only George calls me Mar. Yet I do not wish to answer I just continue sobbing holding my knifes closer.

Knocking continued until the door was forced open and there stood George. " Mary ! " he gasped as blood falls off my arms on to my pj pants. I finally get calmed down as he took off his shirt and made sure the bleeding stopped he then held me close and I told him everything that had happened hours ago only for him to get up I follow him and he punches Fred square in the jaw. I was too frightened so I ran. A half an hour later someone opened the door. My vision was too blurry to tell if it was George or Fred but he pulled me by my waist and kisses me deeply. Kissing back I realize ... It was George .

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