Drifting weightless

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Alice's pov

I was only fifteen when my parents died, George helped me through it for the most part then the next year.. I was all alone. Our parents were close I have known then since I was nine I knew the weasley's.

Now that you see that i'm Ravenclaw and because of the status of ravenclaws George stopped talking to me. I tried to talk to him but he was always to fair away in a happier world.

it's been a year since he stopped talking to me. Well I stopped talking to him. I was getting worried about him and yet I still didn't say anything. Lately with Hogwarts not being safe it made me worry even more as if it was my job to worry about him even if Mrs. Weasley did it enough with all her children and Harry on top of that.

Well back to the task at hand I was walking to the library to study for the up coming test my blond hair up in a bun to keep strands out of my face. I saw Fred and George talking to Neville. Nodding and whispering about something Luna walked pasted me fast to fast for me to even say hello.

So, I shrugged it off and sat at a table with a towering stack of books to cover my seat. Luckily there was a handful of parchment left on the table so I scribbled my notes on them. It wasn't until  noticed my barricade of books had put themselves away.

I finished up and took all my things. I waved to Luna who was whispering to Neville. She waved back and smiled wildly.

Oddly enough for her to smile so wide without a animal involved. After I stepped out I made my way to the Great Hall my books at my side and food in my mouth, George and Fred walked by George smiled and waved. I just look away and open my books reading and munching on my sandwich.

After lunch I made my way to Charms and then to the court yard to read my letters from Mrs. Weasley, Charlie, My aunt and uncle whose talking care of me. Then I was hovered over by the twins.

"Hey Alice what are you reading?" Fred asked breathing down my shoulder.

"Letter's " I simply state bluntly to show them I am no longer interested in talking to them even though I am dying to talk to them about my life and hug it all out.

They sat next to me.

"So how's the claw been treating you?" George asked in a scruffy voice

"Fine, I suppose."  I answer.

"Well George, go on." Fred said super loud.

I raise my brow and fold Mrs. Weasley's letter. Standing up, I turn around.

"Okay then.. I'll let you do whatever it is your going to do and be on my way." I then swiftly turn on my heel before walking across the court yard. Only to here...


I spun around and there stood George on top of the bench staring right at me.

George's pov

I stared at her, she ran to me with stars in her eyes. Her Blue eyes sparkle with firry joy.  As I saw her she made me feel like fireworks. The feeling was unreal. She smiled at me and all I could do was smile back as she began to talk.

"I thought you didn't want to be my friend?" she whispered

How could she have missed the part where I have loved her since we were kids?

"What why would I not want to the passed year that's all I've wanted." I jump off my high standing bench and look into her eyes.

"Really?" I nod and grab her waist, pulling her close to me.

"Your unpredictable and Alice that's what I like about you. You changed my life and now that I'm with you it feels so right. You got my heartbeat going insane. I feel like I'm just crazy for you!" I gush, her cheeks glow red and she shakes her head.

"You drive me crazy." she giggles with that I hug her tight ignoring all the whistles and hoots around the court yard.

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