Part 2 ...Not Woods

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The next day I woke up and did my normal route brushed out my hair, brushed my teeth, got dressed and tripped over my trunk. I step into the common room Draco was asleep on the couch so I made my way to the tree and pick up pansy's cat and petted her head scanning the tree I didn't see any present addressed to me so I se down the cat and make my way to the Great hall.

The Great hall ceiling is snowing as usual and all the teachers sit in there normal places eating breakfast and chattering and setting sacks on the table.  Breakfast soon appeared and I dug in face full of bacon  I   look up to see the Gryffindor's pulling open the doors Luna walked in then giggled running to her table and sitting in the middle. Oliver walked in with his Sweater that mrs. Weasley had made for him on he marched up to my table and smiled and then looked up at McGonagall who smiled and nodded urging him to continue .

He exhaled deeply and set a present on the table I push my food away and pick up the box looking up at him he smiled and nodded his head forward so I pulled the bow with  caution, The box was long and slim a Green bow now laid unwrapped on the table I lift the lid and there laid a necklace that had three circles for the three posts I keep for. Gold covered them and a mini broom aligned with the middle ring my name craved into the side

"Oliver this is beautiful!" I exclaim he blushed and looked down

"The Twit made it himself!" Shouted Fred

"HE had twelve just to make it perfect!" Shouted George

I look up from my gaze and look at Oliver I jump over the table and hug him  my head in his neck and he was shocked he almost fell over. He hugged me back then pulled away. Taking the necklace from its home and laying it on my neck it was cold on my neck, I turn around to look at him to be met with his lips, I am more than happy that I put my hair in a bun because hair would not be good in a kiss.

I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck, Happy I let myself breath. Until you hear Professor McGonagall "Yes! pay up I told you they would end up to together!" oliver and I look up at her and sacks of coins were slid down her way. I giggle and oliver shakes his head. I kiss his cheek and oliver pick me up and tosses me over his shoulder Running out of the great hall I see draco with flowers he looked like he just rolled off the couch. I waved at him while Oliver was running me out of the castle to The Qudditch field.

Where we flew on our brooms until noon. When Harry and them came we all walked to Hogsmeade to the Three broomsticks was having a sale on butterbeer. Oliver and I shared one.

Should I start doing GIFs again?  

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