Hogsmeade you and me Saturday

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Short sorry...

Hannah's pov

I was walking into Defense against the dark arts my favorite class in the whole world it's a shame that no one can hold down the job. Walking in I sit at my usually seat in the front and snape strolled in and began to speak, Why the hell isn't he the teacher this is awesome.  I take notes and asked questions then he gave us an assignment and he gave us partners. Draco was mine, class was dismissed and he said he'd send me an owl.

Which makes no sense considering were in the same house.

Later I was brushing my hair when Pansy came it and handing me a letter I set down my hair brush and opened it .

Hogsmeade you and me this Saturday.

The next day I made my way to Hogsmeade to meet up with whom ever sent the note. I sat in the window of the three broom sticks, when A finger tapped my shoulder and I saw draco Malfoy with the biggest smile on his face."You came?" I nodded and smiled he and I talked for hours in the window about everything and anything and once I started to ramble he'd kiss me to tell me I was rambling. I would blush and cover my face with my light brown hair then he would giggle and move it out of the way.

We finally left the three broom sticks and laid close together on a hill and stared at the sunset. "I've seen prettier." he whispered I laugh

"Where?" he smiled and turned to me


"yeah right, you don't mean any of that  " I blush looking away

"No i'm not Hannah your beautiful."

I snuggled closer and sighed falling inlove...

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