Daanng Oliver back at it again with your jealousy

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Hey guy's I'm Cassy and I am the Slytherin Keeper shocking right?

Any way I'm dating George against slytherin rules hell yes do I care no. I was walking towards the field for our match when Oliver woods runs up to me the keeper for the Gryffindor team.

"So Cassy, ready to get your bum kicked?" I roll my eyes

"Please Woods clam yourself the match hasn't even started we are all practicing." he shrugged

"So? that doesn't mean I can have a friendly conversation."

"Now woods your not flirting with my girl are you? " ask George walking up putting his arm around me. Woods huffed and walked forward what the hell is his problem. The match started a while ago George is keeping me on the edge of my broom that sly slug ! Then I would catch a glimpse of woods who looked pretty pissed off.

After we lost George was pretty happy and kissed me, Woods huffed and pushed passed us pushing me into George, what the hell is his deal.

Later than night my friend brad called from my dorm and said that Oliver was wondering the dungeons  probably to gloat.

"Woods!" I shout angrily

He pops up and has that anger face "Why do you want to see me woods?" I huff and cross my arms

"Since when did you start dating George?" he growled

"Since I don't know when he asked me a month ago?" I hiss

"I should have known you two were always over friendly. " he barked

"Over friendly?!" I gasp, he nods

"That's right over friendly." he jabbed at me

"I guess i'll just hang out with him in private then, ya?" I snapped turning on my heel and walking away only to hear his foot steps come up behind me

"Where do you think your going? " he stuttered

I roll my eyes "To my  Common room unless you want me to sleep on the ground!" I moaned

"Why the hell won't you listen to me Cassy!" he swore

I stopped dead in my tracks.  "I have been Woods and you haven't had one thing nice to say to me." I whisper almost hurt by his -his Jealousy!

(You guys like jealous oliver dangg)

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