Seven minutes... not Woods

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Hey it's Casey ! So I decided to stay for the holidays family troubles everyone else decided to stay so were all in the great hall everyone was in the holiday spirit except Malfoy ! ugh that boy will never be happy he he doesn't enjoy things other than hurting harry's feelings.

Anyway Luna made up this game where you put one thing that is your own and you g into a room with them and they are to talk to you about anything if they don't another seven minutes are added on she said there were no rules leaving everyone to make out during there turns.

I put in my black and white bracelet it's my favorite thing in my possession my parents gave it to me for my first ever quidditch match I own! They were so proud I was was happy about it I told everyone about it. So I placed it in the hat and waited until someone pulled out my bracelet. It passed Ron, Harry, Oliver, Neville and the twins so draco is seriously the only person to have to draw It out.

And he does he just stares blank face at me and stands from the table and grabs my arm dragging me into the broom closet. HE got ungodly close and was breathing onto my lips. "d-draco" I stutter and am cut off by draco's lips soft and firm at the same time is that even possible why am I not kissing him should I kiss him why am I even thinking about this kiss him cas!

I get ready to kiss back when he pulls away and takes a deep breathe "Thanks for that Casey!" he smirked and pushed open the door and smirked my chap stick smudge on his lips. .. oh no

Everyone takes there turn and I sit not looking up from the spot on the table in front of me. I was just about to get up and leave when it was Oliver's turn he refused and stood his ground

"No I am not going in that closet with anyone, I do not wish for this I am not No fred I am not going in there you know you cotton sucker! after countless tries he blurts

"I will not go in there I am inlove with someone and it would be rude." the table laughs

"Oh yeah?" started George

"With who?" asked fred.

"Casey, I love you and if this isn't enough then I don't know what is." I saw so shocked I ran back to the dungeons and sat in my dorm.

Oliver's pov

I cannot believe I did that I cannot believe he did that he kissed her. I showed no mercy and punched him in the face it was a while until everyone left and I was sitting in the great hall alone, when professor McGonagall walked in "Why woods shouldn't you be in bed like the others ."  I sigh and walk from my current slouch.

" I would be professor but I just told the girl I love how I feel and she ran away." professor looked shocked at the new information. She inhales and deeply exhaled.

 "Well woods I would say go get her but considering that she is in slytherin- I never told you that " I interrupt she shakes her head "Not the point here woods Christmas is tomorrow so we'll have a feast give her that gift you were planning to give her."

how the hell ?

Draco's pov

So oliver telling cas he loves her is a real hoot honestly after my kiss she's never be with him and the way her lips felt I just can't get enough of her.

Should I add part two your choice !

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