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( First Male reader, I hope you enjoy! I'm so sorry if it's no good I've been busy and it's been a rough month or too. One more imagine until we hit 100 I have big news for 100, So y/n sorry if this turns out to be rubbish.  )

(Y/N)'s pov

I was walking the corridors when the baby Malfoy's come around they are pretty much Malfoy to a lower level of slytherin's. They sometimes say rude things Luna Lovegood a very good friend of mine. She was ahead of me by a couple steps, minding her own business when.

"Hey Lovegood, plan on sticking with mudbloods your whole life?" one sneered, she just smiled.

"A Mudblood to you is a friend to me." we kept walking.

"Then how does it feel to be motherless !" another laughed she stopped dead in her tracks, I look back at her a tear Falls off her cheek and onto her shoe.

I march over to her and grab her hand.

"That was low mate." I whisper dragging Luna to ravenclaw's dorm where she hugged me. We sat on the couch and I hugged her running my hands through her hair.

"Y/n, will you tell me a story?" I shocked by the question but I do. So I told her the tale of Babbitty Rabbitty and her cackling stump she calmed down.

"thank you y/n that was very kind." I smiled

"It was nothing they have no right to treat you with such-such, hatred for begging my friend."

"friends or not your still very nice." Smiling I lean back and kick off my shoes.

"your voice is smooth but rough soft and tough. Kind of like butter." she rambled, I smile.

"Your rambling again." She shrugged, and sat up straight.

"I must ramble a lot to have done it 'again' " I giggle and stare at her.

"it's not a bad thing of course, I love your rambles." she looked down and blushed I've never really told her how I feel. I suppose now is the best time for that.

"I'm glad you like my rambles let's get pudding."  She jumped up and we went to the kitchens I trail behind her.

"Y/n , you're a bit sluggish maybe you should sit and keep the brain mites at rest." Odd enough I sit on a bench and she stares into my eyes.

I stare right into them until, she dashes out and returns with small bowls. Not containing pudding, but ice cream and pudding. Oddly enough I take it and we sneak back to the Ravenclaw tower. She stops in front of the great hall and we enter.

"Come along Y/n" I sit on the bench with Luna as she and I nibble on our treat.

"Thank you for standing up for me back there y/n" she leaned and kissed my cheek,  I turn the shade of the weasley's hair and feel my cheeks burn up. Thank you merlin thank you.

She watches me intently and smiles over at me then waves to a Mr. Harry Potter who waves back but ignores us from then on. A few slytherins walk in like they own the place. They push me into luna who simply just smiles and continues eating.

" Y/n do you like me?" I go wide eyed  and turn into a tomato.

"y-yes" she smiles

"good me too." she rest her head on my shoulder and sigh heavily. 

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