Oliver for arntia

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I'm going to say sorry for things that maybe wrong with this imagine I have also added in Hermione as arntia's friend Ginny and lavander and just for kicks kalya and myself I do add in my two sense a lot in this is so sorry and if I wrote it wrong or differently than you wanted I'm sorry and i shall fix it later on !

My name is Arntia, I'm Griyfindor, half-blood- guilty. I just spent the whole day getting vexed (annoyed but fancy) by malfoy and his posie so I told him off very loudly in the middle of the great Hall. Got everyone's attention that's for body sure. After words I got pats from Fred and George scolded by Hermione for not thing of what drama it will cause the yule ball was soon. Cho told Ginny that Draco was going to ask me and we just both laughed but fred didn't like the idea of him even looking at me so Fred asked me to go with him. (Sorry) I gladly said yes yet he never said as friends so I amused that we were going as a couple. I told the girls and Ginny told pretty much everyone then word spread fast like wild pig fires. I got so overwhelmed I didn't even go to the match on Friday because everyone was carrying around' Encouraging' signs for fred. Which pretty much was " Fretia forever " and " play smart weasley you got a girl now " and I stayed in the common room greeted by everyone- last was Oliver who stuck out his jaw and marched straight to the boys room.

I shrugged it off he must be upset we lost to ravenclaw ( I don't care it's happening) I walked up stairs go hear yelling from the boys wing and giggling from the girls.I open the door and lavander rushed over to me . " have you heard!? " I look at her confused " no I u no ?" She squeals and pulls me to Ginny's bed "Ok tell her !!!" Ginny stops to breath and then grabs my hands. " ok so Kayla heard in the tent before the game that woods was going to ask you to the ball !" I gave her a look and Hermione marchss over "she has a date you daft bimbo!" (I had to !) I walk go Hermione's bed and sat with her ."Has anyone asked you I bet Ron hasn't surely." I gush knowing how much she wanted him to ask her - she shook her head "No but someone else did ." I give out a sqeak "who! Who ! " she looks down and giggles " Victor krum" I squeal " I'm so happy my best friend gets to dance all night with krum !" She shook her head  and giggled "Oliver's been looking for you." I roll my eyes "When is he not?" we all giggle and  we look at the dresses our parents sent us.

My mother sent me such a lovely blue gown it hugged my curves nicely our  dresses were all hung up and ready for tomorrow.

We stayed in our room the next day planning  our hair and make up.

Ginny did Hermione's and so forth. Finally we all came out of the common room the boys in aw. Fred gasped and we all ran toward the great hall. We danced our hearts our. until he noticed George was upset and took off leaving me alone but woods came to "Keep me company"  Which was his way of saying dance with me please?

So we danced and Fred came back at a slow song and cut in  Woods frowns and pushes Fred into a mass of people. "SHE WAS MINE YOU TOOK HER HOW DARE YOU WE HAD A DEAL WEASLEY!"

I stand in aw George holding Woods back "I LOVE HER FRED!" He shouted headmaster Dumbledore came in between them and instantly woods cowered back.

"Come my boy I wish to have a talk."

was the only thing Dumbledore said and took woods to his office I waited outside and waited for woods to come out  an hour later woods came out. I jumped up and hugged him tight. "I've always loved you."

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