My first choice

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y/n's pov

it didn't take long for Mrs. Weasley to realize I was starving Mom doesn't let any one eat until father gets home. So she made me the biggest meal I had ever seen, Arthur asked me to explain muggles considering my mother is one I tell him not all muggles are mean it's just how they approach things.

After I am full She lets me sleep in ginny's room. Ginny who is so happy to have another girl in the home fills me in on everything that has happened to the weasley's and the triwizard tournament. I am really nervous for that Harry potter as arrived late into the morning and by 5 Hermione is here too. I wake up early and pack a light pack with muggle clothes as we are going to the Quidditch world cup ! I have always loved quidditch and the thought of really going made my heart skip a beat, Ron and harry slept in making us kinda late. I didn't feel like a loser here I was just like everyone else.

Molly has us stuff our faces Harry and I especially.

We all get going and I am so happy I squeal hugging ron " A real match !" I squeal and run up with ginny and Hermione we then spot Amos he works in the ministry with my father.  Then jumps down is his so Cedric Dashing boy isn't he I almost faint but I keep my cool considering i'm in public and that would be awkward.  I Finally level my head and Cedric smiles at me and I stick out my hand " Y/N" he smirks "Cedric, as you know " I giggle at his sarcasm I hear harry and ron huff at my action I make my way walking and talking with Cedric he's quite interesting.

We make it to a boot and cedric smiles at me and whispers " Hold on to me and the boot.  " I raise an eyebrow but do so looking at ron who looked angry I shoot him a smile and he rolls his eyes and shoots me that weasley smile. I then am tossed spinning breakfast threatens to come up. Cedric let go of the boot and yells at me to let go so does Arthur. I let go and cedric holds me close to his body walking in air while everyone falls fast to the ground.

I smile and help ron up while cedric helps harry up ron then takes my hand and holds it.

"Here we are kids the quidditch world cup!" Ron and Harry gasped I smile and nod excited holding on to ron we follow his dad to the tent. I frown at the smallest little tent on the block while others were twice the size our this tiny thing two of us won't even fit in here. I let go of rons hand and go in before harry. Woah.

" I love magic" harry gasped while laughed Hermione and Ginny start giggling , while ron runs for the kitchen we just left the diggory's entering the camp. Arthur told everyone to grab a bunk the girls took one side and I followed but there wasn't enough room believe it or not. I took a peak in the boys side of the tent, no way in all honestly i'll be sleeping better on the couch.  So that's what I choose, I set my back on the couch and sat down no need to unpack I didn't bring that much.

Later that night I was sitting on the couch sipping some tea when ron walked in the room shirtless. He yawned and saw me and smiled giving me a small wave before walking to me. he sat next to me and he wrapped his arm around me, and i leaned on his shoulder he felt quite toasty.

"Y/n bout your mom is she always like that?" I nod not feeling up to talking.  " She didn't like my hair that much." he sighed I giggle and look up at him.

"Your hair looks prefect just the way it is, my mom is just . . an Air head. " he chuckled and looked into the fire.

"Y/N, do you ever wonder what life would be like if it was just us just us kids out in the world with no cares?" I close my eyes

"Well not really it sounds kind of awful." I giggle and he smirks looking down at me

"ready for the match ?" I light up excited

"Am I! this this the 442nd games and this is going to the best ! it's Ireland and Bulgaria !  I here they recruited some new guys to work a long side Krum. And I hear it's going to the best yet." I ramble ron lays back and lets me lay on his chest . We wake up like this with heads hovering over us.


THE games were awesome ! Krum caught the snitch but Ireland won! you woud have thought!

After Ron had a heated voiced opinion of the match then everything got lost I was mixed with others Cedric by my side and I was lost he was with me I started crying Hermione clung to ron as we looked for harry I guess young love wasn't ment to be. I sigh and cry in t Cedrics soiled sweater he holds on to my back and lets me cry then on the way to the train h elets me sit with him considering tat ron just glared a me for the rest of the trip and the two days we stayed at home.

Cedric was funny then at school it was like I didn't exist. I sat alone  at my table and not  a soul tried to talk to me but the twins who insisted I eat because molly sends them a howler everyday just to make sure I do. I promised them I would and then broke the promise. The triwizard tournament had  begun and it's time for the name reveal. Fleur delacour, VITOR KRUM! , and cedric diggory he passed me and gave me a small smile. I smile back and he walks on then the cup goes hay wire and spits out a fourth name, Harry potter. Didn't see that coming honestly something happens to that poor boy every year.

I was never talked to until harry's first task when Ron wanted me to join him only to have Hermione cling to him the whole time if she wasn't smart I'd be sure she's a clone of lavender Brown.

The ball came around quick, Cedric asked cho chang.. Fleur asked sam or someone vitor asked Hermione and Harry asked a patil. Surely if Hermione had a dat ron would ask me? no.. I went alone just like mother said no love i'm to young maybe she was right maybe I should stick to something I am good at being worthless and nothing to the world.

I sat up in the dorm alone after about the fourth song no one was going to dance with me so  I walked right passed Ron and left he probably didn't even notice he was too busy staring at Hermione and vikor. I sat there and cried not for my own faults for everything I should have listened to my mom maybe if never wanted to be a witch he would like me if I would just go back and change it maybe I wouldn't be this miserable.

I fell asleep and form lack of food and water I didn't wake up for weeks my father was called he took time off of work to sit at my side in the hospital wing. The second task was in play when I woke up ma'am pomfrey wasn't there so dad ran around looking for water then gave up and gave me some thing he poofed up. Everyone came to see me after they found out I was awake. Funny how everyone comes running when something happens to you.    

I ignore all the visitor dad thinks something's wrong he's right I can't do this anymore.

"daddy, can you do me a favor?" he smiles

"Anything my little witch." I sigh and look up from hugging my knees

" Can you erase my mind? maybe then I can be happy again." I whisper he starts crying and holds on to my hand yet I feel no emotion I feel like a stone with no soul or heart it's just there. 

Dad didn't responded he just sat there staring in the distance.  I look back down and sigh it was a long shot. I don't even think amnesia could help me.

Comment for part three too see if you really are in love or just lost !

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