This might be it

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Hey guys ,
It's been ages since I have been able to write anything in a while. My life has been in a complete spiral the passed year.
School. Sports. Drama. My sanity.
It's been hard to keep up with all the imagines I'm sure I'm a year behind in this book. I love to get it going but I'm not sure I can mentally take care of this book and maintain my grades and sports and you-know-all that fun jazz.
So, I'm pausing this book for now I'm extremely sorry for all of you that have requested an imagine I'm so so sorry , I will not delete any imagine requests! They will be done eventually I'm terribly sorry everybody.
I hope you all understand. Life is pressuring and I get requests every day and night so I will be passing this book until further notice.
Thank you

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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