No, egg not my Noble!

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Noble's pov

I was walking down the halls  With harry when My Owl snowflake and Hedwig come flying through the halls and give us both  letters. I read mine from my Mother and father how they'd like to have me home for the holidays. I peek over at Harry's it was from Remus.

We get to the common room and sit down Harry laid his head in my lap and I play with his harry.

"So have you figured out the dragon egg?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Nope I haven't got a clue Hermione has been on my tail trying to get me to figure it out." I nod and run my fingers through his harry.

"I guess then your going to but it off right?" He nod and yawns. I smile and watch him fall sleep. I then start to pass out my head bobbing back and forth until all I know is sleep.

I wake up to Harry cuddling me on the couch. I look at the fire it was quite warm tonight. I then see that it's still dark outside so I close my eyes and hear Harry whisper.

"No, egg not my noble." I giggle and try to turn over to look at him. Confused I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Later I awake to harry sitting up hugging  one of the couch pillows. My feet in hi slap.

"hey you okay?" I whisper he nods and looks over at me.

"Nightmare sorry if I woke you."

I smile and sit up. "Was it about the egg?" He nods and hugs me  

" Will I ever understand? Why did someone have to enter me in? "I rub his back as he cries out .

"I feel much better thanks babe." He smiles kissing my nose.

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