Sirius imagine

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"James !" I shout to my older brother who was currently in a fist fight with sirius. He looked over at me and Sirius took it and punched him in the face. I cross my arms"Sirius !"I shout finally walking in between them "Move ! Y/N!" James shouted I shook my head no. I was acting like a five year old but I knew what I was doing. " Y/n now now!" I cross my arms standing In front of Sirius who I glared at . " No." He frowned and tried to move to punch him.
"No James."

Later in the hospital wing

"What on earth were you thinking James!" Lily shouted bargining in my figures still crossed that she'll get it out of him " uh I was fighting lily?"I mentally bang my head on the bed stand. "James, what were you fighting Sirius for and I will not not take smart-ass answers!" He sighed "Sirius wanted promission to date Y/n and then I said no so he too first hit."

I then walk over to Sirius who just sat there staring into his hands and in his hands laid a necklace. And a photo of who I'm guessing is his mother. I sat there next to him and with out a word he handed me the necklace. I examine the locket in my hands with NY fingertips I go over the locket . once I spun it a note fell out of it. I go to pick it up and Sirius quickly snatches it. I snatch it back and stand up to read it to myself as Sirius hung his hung in his hands.

" Dear Y/N, I have loved you since you came your first year what im saying is will you go to the yule ball with me ? "

I sat down looking at Sirius then I mumble up the courage to say" yes,I will." I sat closer to him "I will." His head shot up and he hugged me giggling I hug back and lily covered up her giggle "bout damn time." She laughed as we kissed.

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