Jennifer's admirer

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Jennifer's Pov

I was walking down the stairs school had just began and I still hadn't got my first letter. Everyone s on edge now that everything is going on the order is even on edge me being a Muggleborn I was quite a target. Hermione and Luna have been keeping an eye on me these past few months I've been sassy with them lately but they stick around it's been bad Ginny says it's cause I haven't got a letter.

I just made it to class  I haven't seen Hermione it's just Ginny and Luna with me we are sticking tight lately we have been on edge I think Luna is starting to question us.

We go to bed early Friday waking up early Saturday. I pull on a green sweat shirt and slip into some jeans. Ginny and Luna hung out in the great hall for most of the day. Me? I wandered the halls. I later ended up in the dudgeons.. I landed myself in the potions room I luckily brought my books and started up on our next assignment. When I fall upon a page with a written letter folded neatly ink laid so gently on the parchment Jennifer . I frown and unfold it.

Dear Jen,

I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while I've been meaning to, but things ..haven't been all they seem to be I need to tell you something you deserve to hear it in person. The war is coming and if I die you need to know. My dearest Jen It's is time you know who I am this Saturday night come to the hospital wing. I'll meet you there at midnight.  Please come my Jen you must see whom I am, for I cannot keep it from you for any more three years is enough. Jen my dear I shall see you at midnight.

From Yours truly

I slam my book shut and race up to the Great hall yelling toward Ginny and Luna whom met me outside. "

"What?! What is it Jenn! "Ginny gasped I hold up the letter and she squeals "YOU HAVE TO!!!"

It's now midnight and I am sitting in the hospital wing. No one is there yet ma'am Pomerfy. I sigh and give it a few minutes he's probably late. It's almost one and I walk out to see a guilty looking Draco Malfoy.

"JENNIFER!" he shouts taken back

I roll my eyes "Don't act surprised Malfoy, it's a public place." I push pasted when my arm is grabbed and I feel gentle soft lips of the Awful draco Malfoy.

I pull back "What the hell!" he blushes and pulls out a roll of parchment. I take it and slowly open it.

Tada.. Jen it's me..

I look up and saw he was watching me intensively "Jen, I love you."

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