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Sorry it took so long !

Kimberly's pov

So I was sitting in the courtyard it's Saturday so every Hogwarts student is in the court yard. I was sitting under a tree when slytherin's flock out of the castle walls and to the tree where I am. Other Gryffindor's come over and sit with me smirking.

"What?" I laugh they all just smirk and the slytherin's come and sit down. Leaves cushion our butts.

"Up for a game of truth or dare Gryffindor?" Teased Pansy.

"We are always ready." Someone sneered behind me.

Pansy laughs. "Good." Then Draco Malfoy joins the small circle of rivalry.

" Blaise you first." Pansy pushed. He rolled his eyes and put on his poker face.

"Kimberly truth or dare?" He smirked, I sit up straight and look him dead in the eyes.

"Dare." All the Gryffindor's OOH behind me and pansy giggles as Blaise thinks.

"Sit on Draco's lap." I gasp almost afraid then I pluck up the courage and stand up walking around the mini circle and plop in his lap. Pansy looks at me and smirks that ugly smirk she does and bats her eyelashes.

"Well you should ask Draco if he minds you in his lap Kimberly. " she giggle and I turn around.

"Do you mind Draco?" I ask in a sweet high pitched voice.

"No not at all." he smiles. I hum and turn to pansy.

"Truth or dare Pansy." she huffs.

"Truth, my merlin." I smirk Oh I'm so clever.

"Is it true you have slept with everyone one on the qudditch team?" she glares at me.

"No a certain someone won't do it." she rolls her eyes and clicks her tongue. 

"Draco, truth or dare. "  he glups.

"Truth." Pansy and the other Sltherin's smirk.

"Is it true you are amdly in love with Kimberly?" Draco gulps the forces out a yes.

I Blush and grab his hand knowingly that I have a crush on him. Then he jumps up and drags me to the great hall without saying anything he kisses me.

"I've waiting three years to do that." He sighed I smiled and he bite lip .

"Why haven't you?" he replies instantly with.

"I was scared because your a Gryffindor. But Kimberly I don't care any more I love you ." I blush hard and look up.

"Call me Kim."

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