Besties - jealousy

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It's  not super fluffy but some sorry if it's not enough message me I'll redo it if not enough fluffy love!!

Silvia's pov

Walking out of RavenClaw tower I spot my boyfriend Ron and his friends. So I naturally jog over and kiss his cheek.

"Hey you." I smile, then scratch scabbers head and run off to breakfast. I sit at my normal table and Draco covers my eyes. I sigh heavily and laugh at him.

"Draco, I know it's you!" I laugh shoving him off. He chuckled and sat next to me.

"Well sorry Princess." he snorted stealing a bite of my toast. I roll my eyes and put my Brown hair up out of my eyes and into a bun. I spot Ron and wave at him while looking back down at my book for herbology which I have first.

"So why do you like him anyway?" Draco whispered in my ear. I roll my eyes, And turn to him.

"Because he's sweet, kind, loyal, Handsome. " I say in a dreamy voice. Draco scoffed and took a drink of milk.

(It's manly MILK)

"What ! I am all of those things!" he said acting hurt.

"Draco you do this every time! Stop being such a dragon about everything. " I shove him and he shakes his head eating more of my breakfast.

"You know it's what I do all three of our father's work in the ministry so have to check up on the working parts." He shrugged I give him a dead glare.

"You do realize half of the school's parent work in the ministry correct?" He sighs and looks up at Ron who was staring holes into Draco's head.

"I only check up on the right ones." He smirked slyly. I raised an Eyebrow and crossed my arms looking at him. "Fine I check on my favorites ones." I pull out the Are you siriusly kidding face and he cracks. "Alright ! alright enough with the face geez my dad told me to." I nod and start eating my eggs.

"Fair enough."

Then I was off to Herbology. It was quickly over when Luna decided the plants had bad energy. Draco met me outside. 

"And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Mr. Malfoy?" I say in a posh accent masking my Italian accent.

"What can't I just come to see you?" He asked in a high voice I give him a glare and he sighs as we start walking.

"Fine, You know I hate that stare really. I miss you so much do you know how hard it is to not talk about the stuff we talk about honestly I see you once in a blue moon and your boyfriend Donald is ruining it!" he whined.

"It's Ronald and really draco you see me everyday it's just when you have for fits of Harry Potter when you need to talk about how great he smells or how good he looked at qudditch." I laugh walking into potions passing Ron I way and blow him a kiss he just pushes passed everyone and disappears.

The day dragged one Draco running up to me and telling me how close he was to potter and how he smelled then it was finally dinner I sat down and looked at Ron he got up and walked out his angry face visible so I instantly jump up and follow him.

"Hey Ron, are you okay?" I whisper as he sits on a bench in the courtyard.

"No Silvia I'm not." he hisses at me.

"What's wrong can I help ?" I push he turns to me and snarls standing up.

"What you can do is stop talking to me how could you go and talk to my enemy the guy who hates harry my bets friend and then act as if you did nothing are you two a thing ? In plain sight you and Draco oh this is pure oh wait your a muggleborn." he sighed at the last part. I frown then process it all .

"You think I'm secretly dating Draco so that he can get back at you and or Harry ?" I sigh "Why would I do that to you Draco and my father work together in the ministry so we've hung out all our lives besides Draco isn't into girls." I chuckle and look down.

Then Draco comes out and squeals. "Oh my feels it's Rovia " I close my eyes and hang my head. He laughs and walks closer "You're not being bad kids out here right Silvia or else my father would hear about it."Ron stunned stays silent and just points at both of us. Then Draco runs away and I just hug ron.

"I love you ron." he chuckles and kisses the top of my head hugging me tight.

"I love you too Silvia."

I giggle and kiss him holding him close as if I wouldn't the next day. To my luck he get's kidnapped by Sirius black and is in shock in the hospital.

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