So in love

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If draco was an animagus.

Y/n's pov

I was wondering the halls no one was around my house had all left to go to the Match I was not in the mood to sit in the stands and watch my house get creamed while getting yelled at that's not my seen, I sat on a ledge in the Astronomy tower. IT's a lovely night it's a shame there is yelling breaking the peaceful bliss.

I watch all the colors and my favorite sunset orange is danced across the night sky before fading into a dark world the moon was now full and my head was droopy instead of going to bed that night the quidditch match still played on. I decided to remove myself from the tower. I close my eyes remembering the night sky and then decide it was time to go I spin myself and open my droopy eyes. To see a draco Malfoy staring right at me. I had a delayed reaction of almost falling to my death. But I did not feel like I was to fall I felt strong arms around my waist and a hard yet soft chest .I peak my eyes open to see him in a panic state his eyes wide his mouth in awe. Chest pumping so fast his ribs might cave in.

"You know it's not nice to stalk someone." I joke pointing his chest.

"I-I " he stuttered and pulled me back and let go of me. I stood there for a second.

"Thank you."  I whisper, He looks up shocked.

"W-what?" he stuttered again. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have almost fell." I shrug

"If you didn't I would got scared by something else, lucky for me a stalker that cared was what spooked me. " I giggle lightly and down my shirt as it was riding up.

"So is that a good stalker vibe?" he asked with his smirk.

WHY are you acting like this y/n your with Wilbur back home, you have no right to be flirting with such a slug as he. He hates you doesn't he, he was probably going to push you off anyway then he got cold feet. I sigh and smile at him.

"Thanks again for saving my life Malfoy."

I start to walk away when I am grabbed by the wrist and draco pulls me to him and we hear crowds cheering in the distance but not for us. I look up at him and he smiles.

"Stay with me ?" I sigh and nod not moving my eyes from his.

We walked back to the edge and sat down he took my hand and looked at the stars and the moon. I got  lost looking at the dark surrounding he might be used to it but I was spooked by almost everything in the dark. I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

"You know I came up here to ask you a question, y/n." I blushed and looked down then back up why I blushed I don't know it's probably something like he wants me to do his homework.

 "Y/n, will you go to hogsmeade with me I know it's  a late question but I haven't had enough courage for the passed year and I know you have a boyfriend back home and I know you dislike the words he says I know how he treats you I want to treat you better than he ever could y/n i'll treat you like a princess all you have to do is say yes."

I gulped how did he know that Wilbur yells at me when I get back from Hogwarts? Wait stalker. . . Draco . . .  Is he animagus? I quietly gasp and look at  him "Did you follow me home? " I whisper looking into his eyes. He nodded.

"But only to make sure you were safe. "

I raise an eyebrow and frown "What do you mean you even knew about Wilbur and how he was mean to me you followed us home didn't you but how?" I frown looking down. "surely I would have seen you."

HE sighed "Y/n i'm not normal i'm not like everyone else." He whispered

I shrug "should it really matter ?"

he laughed "obviously or I wouldn't hide it y/n" he said in an angry tone. I turn away.

"To think out of all the people I trust i'm telling you."he scoffed

I frown "I never said you had to " Jumping up I dash down the flight of stairs and into a hall way dimly light making my way back to my common room . I don't hear foot steps behind me so I slow down and let a tear fall. I heard flapping of wings. Owl?

I turn around and there a beautiful white  bird flapping it's wings. Odd wha I sa bird like this doing inside, I walk towards it as it stared at me from his little spot on the column, I close my eyes and shake my head it's probably someone's pet. I turn around and walk towards the common room now hearing foot steps behind me.  I turn around no one there but that bird that's following me.

"Will you fly back to your nest or whatever I don't feel like bird sitting." I sigh and quickly turn on my heel walking down a flight of stairs. hearing foot steps behind me I quickly spun around on the stair case and see draco leaning up against the wall. "Leave me alone go chase a bird around Malfoy."

He sighed "that's a little hard to do when you are the bird y/n"


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