Your always my first choice

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Part three

Ron's pov

I didn't realize how much I need her until now. I watched her in her tiny hospital bed for weeks her father came after work just to be there and then he'd leave for work again,  harry's task had ended and she woke up not asking for much or anyone it hurt knowing she didn't want to see me I mean I showed up to her house in the middle of the night for crying out loud then comforted her. Bloody hell doesn't she even know who  I am any more?

I sat outside the room until her father came out and gave me a sad smile.  "She remembers everything Ronald." he paused hope raised in my lungs "But she wished it to be forgotten "  I dropped and stood up he nodded for me to go In I hesitate and walk in she looks from her staring spot then returned her gaze. I sat next to her and sighed aloud flash backs por into my mind like a nightmare. She's be alone all year and I have done nothing for her.

I took her hand and gave it a squeeze do  I tell her ? The voice saying yes grew louder the voice saying no squealed as I thought of her dying right here before me.  I sigh and look up in the big eyes I feel in love with first year.  I force her eyes to look at me I send her a weak smile she shakes her head and closes her eyes.

"I love you y/n" I whisper she scoffs at my affection

"Oh really is that why I am in the hospital right no wis that why you ignored me all year?" she spat

The only thought was yes, yes I did.

"Yes, yes that's why I was scared why? I couldn't lose you to. Your the one thing I care about more than my own life. "

She looked at me in shock  did she believe me ?

She jumped up and got of her knees hugging me I sigh inhaling her off scent, she smelled different not of old books and watermelon but of Pumpkin juice and lavender, I loved it. "Y/N your my first choice forever and always got that no matter what. " she started crying into my shoulder and I was unable to stop her I just let her. I stayed over night and helped her sleep the next day she begged ma'am pomfrey to let her go to Hogsmeade for fresh air. it worked so I grabbed her hand dragging her to the three broom sticks. I ordered her the biggest butterbeer they had she insisted we shared. 

Then after our date she was back to her normal self smiling and listening to her music with a muggle thing, she got letters from her father telling her to stay with me this summer I was unsure but I new it was for the best. So she stayed close to me the rest of the year the last task was heart bounding we heard everything but she was so shaken up by the crys I held on to her trying to block out the crys.

"Y/N I love you " I whisper to her on the train home

she blushed and rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you too Ronald."

Summer was magical she and I were inseparable. I love her merlin knows I do .

Short and sweet  

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