Cute Fighter

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Ron's pov

We were walking around when I saw her, it was second year I saw her in Ravenclaw she was so cute! Her Jet black hair really goes with her electric Green eyes. it's taken four years of me being to shy to talk to her but know that she Is right here I half to.

"UM hi I'm Ron Weasley." I whisper as we are in Snape's Study hall

"Erm hi I'm Amara." she smiled from across the table

"That's a really pretty name. " She pushes back her hair from her eyes

"Thanks it means Strong Fighter." I melt inside and look back at my notebook.

So cute, Harry elbows me and I look at him he wiggles his eyebrows

"Oh shut up Harry."

I look up at her and she blushes, I quickly look down and scribble on a piece of paper ' Hogsmeade this weekend ?' I fold it and slide it to her she puts it under her notebook and looks up and pretends to crack her neck as snape walks by us. He walks around the table standing behind me.

 I look at harry out of the corner of my eye and he smiles at me, then Snape pushes our heads into our books. Before walking away. Amara pulls out the note and smiled down at it. She picked up her things and handed the notes Snape before walking pasted me whispering in my ear yes. Before walking out.

I then asked Hermione to help me get Ready cause harry was off doing something.

"Okay now be nice don't stuff your face with food. Oh and don't take her anywhere Harry would drag us. " I nod and make my way to the ravenclaw tower and there she stood jeans and a sweater she didn't have a scarf so I gave her mine.

We walked to the Village and snow started to fall It was perfect she giggled and spin letting the snow touch her cheeks. It landed In her black hair she looks beautiful. We walk into the three broom sticks and sit down ordering butterbeer. I watch as she sips the warm drink cradling it in her hands.

"Hey Amara I have something I wanted to tell you." I squeak out, she looks up from her mug. 

"okay?" She nibbles on her lip

"Amara I really- really like you and I want you to like me too." she giggled and shook her head

"If that's how your asking me to be your girlfriend its a yes."

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