Freddie for Kayla

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Kayla's pov

I have been staying at the weasley's all summer I finally just got Mrs. Weasley let me take Fred to a muggle town. Fred, George and I quit last year. Fred and I got into the chimney and I said my house. My mother leaded me some muggle money and I dragged Fred to an Amusement park!

He was so happy and started squealing loudly clapping his hands.

"THIS IS THE PLACE YOU ALWAYS TALK ABOUT IT'S HUGE!! IT'S AMAZING IT'S IT'S .. kay,.. we have to ride every ride. " I giggle and pay for our tickets he was like he is at Zonko's  he ran around dragging me on all the rides more than once. I won him a teddy bear that had stud muffin sewn into it's chest and we ate cheese fry obviously my favorite! (Idk but they are now !) He loved them sooo much.

It was nearly dark and fred wished to ride the Ferris wheel one last time I raced him too it and when we got on the ride stopped me having a fear of falling did not help (I don't honestly know if you are soo be scared my friend) But fred was calm and sang to me to calm me down and when we got home I don't remember I must have fallen asleep in his arms..

(SO sorry too short. )  

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