Seven minutes they said

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Kylee's pov

So It was chritsmas at hogwarts and My parents were out of town for business with the ministry so I stayed along with all my friends. We were in the Gryffindor common room when Sirius my crush of 6 years had the brillant idea of playing seven mintues in heaven.

If you don't what that is you put  something of your person into a hat or bowl who ever picks you item is locked in a room or a closet with you for seven mintues, Reasoning it's called 'heaven' most people take advangtage and don't come out for a while meaning they weren't just talking like the orginal style.

That's how sirius plays if you don't come out after seven mintues you win but the time keeps going up until one hour basically when the rest of the players lose interest and bang on the door. Currently Lily and james have the unbreakable time of two hours and one mintue. Lils told me that they talked for thrity mintues then fell asleep. But Siruis has other thoughts.

So once more all seven of us sit around the fire in the common room and remove something off our person placing it into Peters bag. giving it a nice shake he then walks up to sirius and he pulls out my braclet. Marlene nudges me, before lily can elbow her in the ribs I stand up and walk behind sirius. 

Into the boys dorm we went...

I sat on a random bed while sirius paced slowly in front of me.

"YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!" james yelled through the door.

"I don't suppose you'd like to have fun for our time." I roll my eyes

"The point of the game is to have fun, not get laid Black." I roll my eyes and fal back letting my head it the mattress.

"Oh yeah is that why your laying on my bed?" I sit up resting on my elbows.

"I can move your highness if thats what you truly want." I snort and roll off laying in the next bed over. I watch as he smirks and walks towards me.

"What I truly want is for the girl of my dreams to kiss me." I raise my eyes brows

"nice cover up for moony truly it is." He huffed and pounced on me as if he was a dog.

"I didn't mean him I meant you Kylee.." With that he leaned in a kissed me

I'm sure you can tell what happened next. 

Kylee you never say dirty or not so yours can either go once way or the other. So if you wanted clean then you only kissed until ten minutes because you really had to pee the gang called that as calcification and you to only made the ten minutes. Dirty well if you'd like that then just send me a inbox I'll gladly make that ending !  

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