Boom ? Boom.

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Ella's pov

Yes I'm Ella. Yes I'm a Gryffindor, and yes I am a Half-blood. My mum is a muggle my dad is a wizard.

So I'm justing going to jump right into it my boyfriend Seamus and I bond over blowing stuff up. So late at night I'll sneak into his dorm and we'll do small fireworks.. I will last time he did it he had to get a new bed.

(Dirty people no.)

So we are in the great hall and Seamus for old times sake he decided to try and turn water into rum. It worked ! Untill... it blew up in our faces as we oogle at the fact that it worked. We just laughed and then went on our ways. Later in the courtyard we blew up a bench on accident of course.  Then in potions we blew up a cauldron.  Transfigured a bird into a cup then it blew up in to pieces we giggled.

Then it was over the year was over and we had one last night together until next year. Seamus and I sat on the qudditch field looking out at the stars, when next thing I knew two weasley's on booms fly over head. I look up and seamus just smiled at me I could tell from the corner of my eye.

"Listen, Ella this has been the best day of the year for sure but I'm not sure if I can do this any more." His accent hung low in the warm in the air. My eyes being to burn as I feel myself almost start to cry. I gulp back my pride and nod looking at the sky. Seamus coughed.

"Uh El that's when you say ' Can do what Seamus?' then I stand up and you kno wyou get the picture so go on ask !" he pushed on smiling like a baby that was just showed ice cream for the first time.

"Oookay? Can do what seamus?" I copy his accent and bob my head. He jumps up and stands tall hands on his hips.

"I can't do it any more I can't be without you one more summer so. . . " he trailed off and looked at the sky then the wealsey's fireworks blew up.  "Come home with me?" I giggle and fall on my back.

"All this just for me to say yes is pretty extravagate don't you think?" He rolled his eyes and laid next to me and I cuddled up next to him.

"Boom?" I whispered.

"Boom." He whispered kissing my head and looking up at the fireworks that were Seamusingly (Seemingly ) unending.

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