So rude

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Hello I am Gianna a fifth year Ravenclaw. I am your average witch in Ravenclaw I am taken as almost a genetic re-mutation. Brown hair brown eyes like almost everyone I have an owl named Asher (Sorry if that's not the name) One of the differences I am a Muggleborn proud to have a witch in the family indeed. Enough about here is my parents both bankers live on a tight ship no a hair out of place, Until I blew up the oven when I was two then got my letter at elven they were so proud!

I am sitting on the edge of the black lake reading my book on charms. Peacefully reading  when I hear the Marauders they always tease me about me being a muggleborn and being top of the class.

"Hey mud-blood!" laughed Sirius throwing a pine cone at my head making me toss my charms in the black lake. I bite my lip standing up to walk away when James trips me I go head first into the black lake surely in the distance I saw grindylow- they'll kill me if they see me.  I grab my charms book which was close to the shore and I pull out of the enchanted waters. The boys all staring at me. I grab my bag from under the tree and bolt to the castle lucky for me they are Gryffindor and I can go into the Ravenclaw tower without being assaulted for being soaking wet.

Half  way to the common room James meets up with me. I frown and turn back at him who smiles my tears were probably unnoticeable he smiles wildly at me so I punches him giving him a black eye.

The next day I am fully dry and no word from any of the marauders.

I make my way to the Library with my friend Sophia. She ran to the bathroom once I got my books assorted into there groups.   I start to study then just as I thought I was in the clear I wasn't there stood james with his big mouth and Black eye.

"What do you want Potter!?" I growl and he sighs and sits down.

"I'm sorry we did all those things to you I'm really sorry I almost killed you yesterday Gianna .."  he looked up from his hands and a glint of hope in his eyes I shake my head and close my books.

"Whatever, Potter" I hissed picking the rest of my books up and leaving Sophia's books.

I started to walk out when he shouts. . . "COME TO SLUG CLUB WITH ME GIANNA YOU WON'T BE SORRY!" I roll my eyes and huff walking out is he really that cocky all the time? I storm into the hall and start walking until a hand grabs my wrist and I am pulled back into James's arms and he forcefully kisses me I melt as this was my first kiss ever an it was with the boy who has bulled me for three years for being what I cannot change. . .Did he change?

"Please for give me Gia. .. " his faint voice whispered as he pulled from the kiss, I nod possibly entranced by his voice.

Short and Sweet He's yours Gianna

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