Draco for Alexis.

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Alexis's pov

I walk walking to the qudditch field even though Slytherin and Gryffindor were playing, I went for my boyfriend Draco and lately he has been strange ever since I made a friend In Gryffindor so I could talk to someone during the games. Seamus . He's not the brightest fellow but he Is nice to talk to.

I get to the stands and spot Seamus and his friend dean


I wave and the game starts then I wave and holler with the others. Draco looked for me in the crowd of red I waved my blue Ravenclaw scarf he smirks and blows me a kiss. Seamus intercepts the "KISS" and pretends to melt with love inside. I roll my eyes and blow him a kiss and he rolls his eyes.

I cheer with Seamus the whole time and they ended up tying even though Harry caught the snitch. I Tried to caught up with I'm at the end of the game but draco ends up ignoring me.

"Dracoo." I whisper jogging behind him.

"Shove off." he hisses.

"Draco, why are you acting like this?" he rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you go ask Seamus that blown up git." I huff and grab on to his arm.

"Is this all because your jealous!? Seamus is my friend he talks to me while I watch you play it would be boring all by myself." he rolled his eyes.

"Alex, you know how I feel about Gryffindor's." I look down, the gather my courage.

"Well I'm a Ravenclaw and I like everyone I just wanted someone to talk to at your matches!" I huff.

He looks down and sighs. "I'm sorry Alex.." I smile and hug him.

"Stop being so jealous you big baby." I giggle. He hugs me tight and kisses the top of my head.

"This wouldn't have been so easy if blaise hadn't poured cold water down my pants. " I shake my head and laugh.

 "Really?" he nods then start tearing up.

"It's really cold."

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