Bestie's need love too

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Maggie's pov

Monday 23

So lately I have been ignored by Sirius Black one of my best friends the one guy I let into my inner circle of my brain. I Walk to him he'd dash off he'd stand me up, he's done it in the passed in front of the others but when it's just us he's sweet and he cares about me.

Not so much. I walk downs him and his friends after qudditch practice he stays with them ignoring the fact that I am even a person let a long his friend. I push through his friends and him back to the castle fine two can play innovation Black!

Tuesday 2

That was a month ago and after I walked right through black and his friends he instantly figured out what his dumb ass needed to but I figured I'd give him a taste of his own medicine. I have been ignoring him for little over a month it's actually not that hard I just focus on what I want and that's either chatting with Liv or listening to the professors.

I wonder if I could make it to next month? Would he even care by then? Oh well the cleverness of me.

Saturday 28

Well it hasn't been a month but it's been harder to ignore him he always looks depressed and almost if he hasn't eaten. I decided to stay put in the Hufflepuff common room until Monday, Liv said she'll being me left overs from supper.

Monday 30

So far so good haven't really seen him much other than a couple glances in the hall or a lock pf his hair flying into another corridor. I skipped lunch to read in the library. Worried I look up signs of depression and magical potions that could cure it. I came up empty but so did Sirius for I have really seen his face for three days. Now I'm worried.

Wednesday 5

I haven't seen Sirius at all the passed five days not even a lock of hair I feel like I should ask Potter but why would they think I'm asking? Probably they would think that I'm just another girl with a crush on him. Would they tell me anyway? Do they know that we're friends? I shouldn't have ignored him. What was I thinking Stupid, Stupid -


As Maggie was writing she stopped to close her eyes and hit her self with her book when a voice yelled out her name.

"MAGGIE, MAGGIE." It was actually Peter Pettigrew the smallest of the marauders coming so to get Maggie. She jumped up without a word he grabbed her hand and drug her to the Gryffindor common room where Sirius laid on the floor staring at the ceiling.

In shock she just stood there until james jumped up and pushed her towards him.

"He wanted to you here." She knelt down and Sirius appearing to be dead. The three boys stand and look from behind the couch. She sighed deeply and grabbed his hand shaking her head she stayed like that for at least five mintues it wasn't until Sirius squeezed her hand tightly as she sobbed about her fallen friend and Lover but she didn't even realize she loved him until that moment.

Maggie's pov

I felt his hand squeeze mine, I look up to see his smirk I smack his chest hard.

"Damn you Sirius. " I laugh cried he sat up and hugged me.

"Besties need love." He whispered In my ear, I bite my lip and shook my head.

"Sirius I don't want to be best friends any more. " He pulled back fear written across his face and pain in his eyes.

"well if you- I want more." I cut him off and kissed him he tangled his fingers in my brown hair as he kissed me deeper.

"I'll say it because were all thinking it. " Remus said with a sigh.

"It's about damn time." All the three of them say in unison.

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