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May be triggering please don't read if it may trigger

Hi I am Amiyah I'm a third year , Gryffindor, half-blood. I'm really shy and insecure I'm sad and depressed. I don't talk much or at all for that matter which is why my crush is super strange. George weasley strange? Yeah it is. Isn't it? Anyway this morning I saw him with a few girls all they did was giggle and play with his hit in the common room as he tried to get up they would just push him down and went I stood up having enough one shot me a glare.

I just couldn't take it. So fed my owl max wrote a letter to my parents and left it next to him while he slept. I look at myself one last time in the bathroom mirror my long dark brown hair reaching my bum I studied my my light brownish hazely eyes as tears form in them my father will be so disappointed in me for doing this ending our blood tradition. I walked my normal way toward herbology then took a right going to the Astronomy tower , the quidditch match Gryffindor v. Slytherin match so no one will even notice me. Besides no one will even see that I'm gone besides my father.

I sit on the edge of the tower watching the game George waving a and winking at girls. My heart shattered I feel my hands push myself toward the edge until I hear someone behind me gasp.

"What are you doing up here Amiyah ?"

I was shocked that's george and he said my name.
I turn "what are you doing here why aren't you at the game? "
He blushes and looks down " I wanted to talk to you.."

I shake my head
" no no your just shead that so I don't jump!"
He seemed shocked
" you you were going to jump?"
Tears sting "I am "

George shook his head " Amiyah please don't." Look down to the ground hundreds of feet down. "I need you amiyah please ." I froze he needed me? What? How did he get from - fred

I stand up and look down what was I thinking?! I close my eyes , how could I have thought that the was George! "Amiyah , please step down from there." I sigh and feel his hand run threw my hair half way down. " please?" I slowly turn and see he was crying. I jump and hug him he sobs into my hair I drew in the smell. And whispered I'm sorry he just shook his head.

"Amiyah come home with me for Christmas. " I blush and agree.

It was like a fairy tale my mother gave me some anti depression pills for Christmas after I sent them an owl. George's mother loves me more or like how shy I am and how I just nod and help her. Percy disagrees with me but I don't take it that bad he's up tight.

Hi sorry this too long and if you do have this thoughts or actions please contact someone to take to it is serious I would call a doctor or talk with someone you trust.

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